Support Animal Form
Forms that need to be submitted for Approval of Support Animals in Wagner College Housing
- Disability Housing Accommodation Request – to be completed by the student .
- Disability Request For Information Re: Support Animal –To be completed by licensed medical professional who is not (a) a relative of the student and/or (b) an employee of the Wagner College Center for Health & Wellness, Nursing Program, or any other affiliated office.
Documentation of the need for a Support Animal should follow the Medical Housing Documentation Guidelines and should generally include the following information:
- Verification of the individual’s disability from a licensed physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, social worker or other mental health provider.
- A statement on how the need for the animal relates to the ability of the resident/student to use and enjoy the living arrangements provided by the college
Please print this form and give it to your health care provider. They should return the completed form to Accessibility Services at Wagner College.