Education with Impact

If you enroll at Wagner College, what benefits are you going to see in your educational experience — benefits that Wagner specializes in and provides more richly than other colleges do?


High-Impact Practices

High-Impact Practices are undergraduate opportunities strongly associated with student learning and retention. They demand considerable time and effort, facilitate learning outside of the classroom, require meaningful interactions with faculty and fellow students, encourage collaboration with diverse people, and provide frequent and substantive feedback. Participation in these practices can be life-changing! Education experts say that all students should participate in at least two HIPs during their undergraduate experience, and Wagner students report doing just that at significantly higher levels than students at comparable colleges.

100% of Wagner students take Learning Communities
Learning communities are recognized as an important high-impact practice. Learn more about our learning communities at Wagner.

Which other HIPs did Wagner students participate in at significantly higher levels than students at other colleges?

Internships or field experience:


Research with Faculty:


Service Learning:


5 Great Reasons to be a First-year Student at Wagner College

  • You’ll learn more in class because you’ll be part of an active, engaged classroom where students’ voices are heard.

    Asked questions/contributed to class discussions (often/very often):
    Wagner 83%, other colleges 73%

    Gave a course presentation (often/very often): 
    Wagner 59%, other colleges 40%


  • On campus and throughout New York City, you will experience more culture, more arts, more participation, and more leadership.

    Attended an art exhibit, play, or other arts performance (dance, music, etc.) (often/very often):
    Wagner 48%, other colleges 31%

    Participated in co-curricular activities (organizations, publications, student government, sports, etc.) (6–20 hours/week):
    Wagner 89%, other colleges 76%


  • You’ll be able to understand and work well with people who are very different from you.

    Included diverse perspectives (political, religious, racial/ethnic, gender, etc.) in course assignments (often/very often):
    Wagner 70%, other colleges 55%

    Had discussions with people from different races, ethnicities, religious beliefs, and/or political views (often/very often): 
    Wagner 82%, other colleges 70%


  • You will not only learn a lot, but you’ll also know how to use information.

    Analyzed an idea, experience, or line of reasoning in depth (quite a bit/very much): 
    Wagner 87%, other colleges 79%

    Evaluated a point of view, decision, or information source (quite a bit/very much): 
    Wagner 87%, other colleges 74%

    Connected learning to societal problems or issues (often/very often): 
    Wagner 70%, other colleges 55%


  • Your professors will support you, advise you, converse with you, and help you.

    Talked about career plans with a faculty member (often/very often):
    Wagner 55%, other colleges 34%

    Discussed course topics or ideas with a faculty member outside of class (often/very often): 
    Wagner 43%, other colleges 32%


Source: Wagner students, as reported in the 2015 National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE). 

“Other colleges” shown by comparison are a peer group of private, competitive, small, urban colleges whose students also took the survey. See for more information.