Institutional Reports

Common Data Sets

The Common Data Set (CDS) is a collection of accurate data on college enrollment, financial aid, faculty, graduation rate and other information about the institution as of the Fall reporting date. It was designed to help make it easier for institutions to respond to inquiries regarding admissions, enrollment and financial aid from state and federal officials, private organizations and the public.

CDS 2018 - 2019
CDS 2017 - 2018
CDS 2016 - 2017
CDS 2015 - 2016
CDS 2014 - 2015
CDS 2013 - 2014
CDS 2012 - 2013
CDS 2011 - 2012
CDS 2010 - 2011

Middle States Accreditation

Every eight years, Wagner College is subject to a re-accreditation to assess where the institution stands as to fulfilling its mission. Wagner's latest self-study report can be found here. The organization of this self-study mirrors the seven standards for accreditation. The next on-campus self-study will take place in the spring of 2029.

Wagner Assessment

Assessment is an active learning process that focuses on accomplishments and progress rather than grading and ranking. It provides students with clear expectations for learning, criteria for what constitutes good work, opportunities to demonstrate what they understand, and ongoing feedback. The college engages in the assessment of the academic and non-academic units, each major, the general education program, and the Wagner Plan.

Campus Security

The Annual Security Report includes information on crime prevention, public safety, law-enforcement authority, crime reporting polices, disciplinary procedures, and other important matters about security on campus.