ACE Application ACE offers the Wagner College Community, as well as the broader Staten Island and New York City communities, a diverse array of lectures, symposia, workshops, performances and concerts in various intellectual and creative arenas. Designed to expand the classroom experience, ACE has become a forum in which faculty, students, visiting scholars, activists and artists engage the Wagner community in a public conversation. Students, scholars, and the general public are invited to discover common ground across disciplines, thereby cultivating a greater appreciation for a diverse world. All Applicants should consult the ACE Guidelines before applying. Guidelines can be found on the ACE website: Faculty Name First Last Faculty Email Possible Date of Events Date Format: MM slash DD slash YYYY Speakers*Speaker AddressSpeaker Email Address Speaker Phone NumberBackground Information of Event*Media Type Choose 1:*In person on Campus (US)In person on Campus (International)Virtual Speaker (US)Virtual Speaker (International)Possible Classes that will ParticipateHave you received funding in the past?*YesNoIf yes, date receivedHonorarium Requested $Successful applications will yield an email immediately to your inboxCommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.