ACADEMIC CULTURAL ENRICHMENT (ACE) offers the Wagner College Community, as well as the broader Staten Island and New York City communities, a diverse array of lectures, symposia, workshops, performances and concerts in various intellectual and creative arenas. Designed to expand the classroom experience, ACE has become a forum in which faculty, students, visiting scholars, activists and artists engage the Wagner community in a public conversation. Students, scholars, and the general public are invited to discover common ground across disciplines, thereby cultivating a greater appreciation for a diverse world.

Contact ACE at  or  (718) 420-4503.

ACE Mission:  ACE events support Wagner College’s belief that students, faculty, staff, and the larger community are partners in learning.

    • Maximum allocations per event/speaker have three categories:
      • $250 for online virtual event
      • $600 for on campus event with speaker/guest in the U.S.A.
      • $1200 for on campus event with international speaker/guest from abroad

    Maximum allocation faculty can receive per semester is $1200.

    An email notification request for applications will be sent to all faculty:

    Applications for Spring are due by the end of day on November 15th

    Applications for Fall are due by the end of day on April 15th

    All speakers visiting campus must follow safety protocols established by the Human Resources office and complete the online registration at least two business days before their visit.