Media Literacy in Teaching & Learning


At Wagner, we pride ourselves on our commitment to teaching and learning. We have a successful tradition of creating curriculum that unites deep learning and practical application. But successful traditions must constantly be updated and renewed. We have an exciting opportunity to enhance our teaching and learning with new media and online participatory tools.

Media-literacy_workshopTechnology has touched our lives in countless, fascinating ways. We live in a richly connected world with huge deposits of information literally a click away. But it’s not just easy access to online information that we must consider. As educators, we must also consider how the online environment allows our students to create and make meaning.

Technology offers us an opportunity to transform the way we teach. It is an ideal vehicle for designing the constructivist, active learning approaches that we seek for our students. With the array of free, participatory media tools online today, our students can be producers, authors, photographers, bloggers, videographers, and storytellers who construct evidence of their understanding and publish their work for the world to see.

While we’ve witnessed some wonderful new media experiments in Wagner courses, we are all eager to do more and extend our understanding of what’s possible. The Media Literacy in Teaching & Learning program is designed to meet that very need; to help us all leverage the affordances new tools provide.

Post Image for Welcome, new professors!
Wagner College welcomes four new, full-time, tenure-track assistant professors to our faculty for the 2017-18 academic year
Post Image for Bruce Chadwick to lecture on war, peace ... and wine
American historian, George Washington expert will give the 10th anniversary Kaufman Repage Lecture on Oct. 12
Post Image for Ken Bain, ‘Fostering Deep Learning’
Author of ‘What the Best College Teachers Do’ to lead interactive program, Nov. 18
Post Image for Workshop Recap
Our first media literacy workshop was a day full of learning, hands-on practice, experimentation, and fun. Three guests speakers, Karen Cowden, Matt Stoltzfus, and Alan Levine presented Wagner faculty with case studies on teaching information literacy and using Poll Everywhere, flipping the classroom and using Learning Catalytics, and incorporating blogging and storytelling into the classroom using WordPress sites. Below […]
Post Image for Media Literacy: Fall 2013 Course Pilots
Introduction As a part of the Media Literacy for Teaching & Learning program, the Wagner College Provostʼs Office will award three innovative pilot course teaching incentives for Fall 2013. These awards, which can be individuals or pairs, will support the integration of media technology to support the teaching and learning goals of the course. Awardees […]
Post Image for Media Literacy in Teaching & Learning: Workshop
Have you recently been asked, what educational technology tools you use or would like to use? what are the challenges? what support would help make your job easier? It was the Provost’s office, the Center for Teaching, Learning & Research, and Information Technology asking those questions. Through surveys, focus groups, departmental meetings and other conversations […]