Ways to Give

Built in 1905 as the Hotel Bellevue, part of a summer resort, Reynolds House now houses the Office of Institutional Advancement. It was renovated in 2001 thanks to Margaret Bambach Buck Reynolds ’40 H’98 in memory of her husband, William L. Reynolds.
Private support has allowed Wagner College to build upon its commitment as an educational institution, providing academic and scholarship programs to a diverse student body. The generosity of those who give to the College makes a crucial difference in Wagner College’s ability to fulfill its mission.
Unrestricted gifts to the Wagner Fund will go directly to support the College’s Area of Greatest Need . If you wish to give to a specific area of the College you may do so by giving a restricted gift directed to a particular department or program. Gifts may be pledged over the course of one or more years. Monthly or quarterly pledge payments enable some donors to make a larger gift to Wagner College at a comfortable level. For more information, please contact Kaitlin Girton, Director of Annual Giving & Campaign Operations at kgirton@wagner.edu or 718-420-4551.
Philanthropy at Wagner College takes numerous forms. While many individuals make current or outright gifts (such as a gift to the Wagner Fund or to a specific capital project), others choose to defer their support until a specific point in the future or their death. This investment in the future of Wagner College is known as a deferred or planned gift. Some deferred gifts produce an income for the lifetime of the donors and a secondary beneficiary and most result in income tax and estate tax benefits.
Planned gifts that can be changed by the donor are known as revocable gifts. Such gifts allow the donor to retain control of an asset for his/her lifetime. These gifts often come to Wagner in the future and often provide estate tax benefits. Revocable gifts include bequests by will, gifts from IRAS and pension plans and some gifts of life insurance.
Gifts that cannot be changed, or rescinded, by the donor are known as irrevocable gifts. These include some gifts of life insurance, charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder trusts, charitable lead trusts, and retained life estate. Irrevocable gifts involve an immediate transfer of assets to benefit Wagner at a specific time in the future, or upon the death of the donor or/ and his/her secondary beneficiary. In many cases, the donor receives an immediate income tax deduction, annual income and capital gains and estate tax benefits.
We hope that you will find this, the accompanying Tools of Gift Planning, and other pages and features of the Wagner College Gift Planning site informative, helpful and, yes, inspiring.
Reminder: August is Make A Will Month
For additional information about gift planning at Wagner College, please contact David J. Martin, Esq., Director of College Relations at 718-420-4341 or dmartin@wagner.edu.
An endowed named fund may be established with a minimum contribution of $100,000 made through either a lifetime gift or by bequest. The principal is preserved and the income supports the activities of the fund. These funds provide much needed long-term support, benefiting the Wagner College community far into the future.
Capital gifts for building renovations or construction provide students and faculty with facilities to support their educational goals. First-rate facilities are essential to education in an ever-changing world, and allow the Wagner to provide students access to the best resources.
Wagner College encourages donors to consider recognition through a commemorative gift. Naming opportunities for new construction or for existing facilities are available for those wishing to give recognition or a memorial as a lasting tribute to accomplishments. For more information, please contact Kaitlin Girton, Director of Annual Giving & Campaign Operations at kgirton@wagner.edu or 718-420-4551.
Giving appreciated assets such as stocks, bonds and mutual funds that you have owned longer than one year can allow you to bypass capital gains tax that would be due on a sale of the assets. This can reduce the after-tax cost of your gift by as much as one-third. Of course, your tax rate determines how much you save; the higher your tax rate, the more you save from each dollar donated. In some cases, property can be given outright to support Wagner College and the donor receives a charitable income tax deduction for the fair market value of the property. Gifts of real estate can also be used to fund a life income gift. Life income arrangements vary, but most options offer the following financial benefits:
- An income for life to the donor and second beneficiary
- A charitable income tax deduction
- A higher rate of return than many current investments
- A reduction or avoidance of capital gains taxes; and
- Savings on estate and gift taxes; and professional investment management.
Some life income methods of giving are: Charitable gift annuities provide the donor with a fixed, high rate of return. Rates are highest for older donors. Minimum gifts begin at $10,000. For more information please call us at (718) 390-3303 and/or see the Gift Planning website.
Support student organizations at Wagner through the student fundraising program. Wagner students are working hard on campus, and in the community to make a difference, and so can you!
Thousands of companies and corporate foundations will match gifts to Wagner College. You can double or even triple the value of your gift by notifying your employer of your gift to the College. You may be eligible to submit matching gift claims from both your own and your spouse’s employer for the same gift. To inquire about a matching gift program, contact the human resources office at your employer, your spouse’s employer or even your former employer if you are retired.
A donor-advised fund (DAF) offers donors favorable tax benefits and maximum flexibility to support Wagner College, and other philanthropic priorities. Please visit dafdirect.org and indicate ‘Wagner College’ for all designation purposes.
Every year the graduating class leaves a gift for the next generation of Wagner students in the form of a Senior Class Gift. As a departure from past years, instead of purchasing a physical item, the class of 2020 would like to present their gift to an individual that would benefit from financial assistance in the form of a scholarship gift. They have set before themselves a goal of $10,000. See how far they have to go!
Welcome to the 2018 Wagner College Reunion Giving Challenge! If you are celebrating a milestone class year ending in a ‘3 or a ‘8, you are challenged to participate! Our milestone classes were able to raise almost 2 million dollars this year! If you haven’t yet, there is still time to make your gift. All giving by class members will count in your class’s reunion giving total.
- To make a gift of securities, please authorize your broker to transfer the stock via DTC wire transfer to Wagner’s broker, Morgan Stanley in Red Bank, NJ. Please include an accompanying letter with your name, authorization of the transfer, name of the security, number of shares, approximate value, and purpose of the gift to Wagner College. Please have your broker contact the Wagner College Development Office at 718-390-3404 for the DTC and Gifting Account Number. Here is an example of the type of information you need to give your broker:
- I (We) authorize the transfer of 100 shares of ABC and 300 shares of DEF from my account to Wagner College current use account at Morgan Stanley, 20 Linden Place, Red Bank, NJ 07701.
- Your broker should then contact Eric Leifer, Financial Advisor, at Morgan Stanley (eric.leifer@morganstanley.com or 800-726-6971) to notify him to anticipate the transfer. The efax number is 732-709-1699.
- If the gift is for a restricted or endowed fund, or for a special purpose, please e-mail Annmarie Lambiasi, Director of Advancement Services, at alambias@wagner.edu with your intentions. This e-mail has to come from the donor, not the broker.
Attention Brokers: When gifts of stock and securities are sent in electronically, please include the donor’s name as part of the transmittal.
Gifts of Securities- in your possession
- Please download the gift letter below addressed to Wagner College. Fill out the number of shares and the name of the company(ies). If the gift is for a restricted fund or special purpose please note your intentions as well. If the certificate(s) are held jointly, then both parties must sign the gift letter.
- You will also need to provide a stock power form for each company that should be signed the same way as the name(s) appear on the certificate. You can download the “stock power” form below. You do not fill in blanks or anything else on the stock power form — just sign.
- Do not write on the certificate; do not fill in blanks; do not sign your name(s). Send just as they are.
- Send the gift letter, certificate(s) and stock power form(s) to Annmarie Lambiasi, Director of Advancement Services, Wagner College, One Campus Road, Staten Island, NY 10301. For compliance purposes, please send the stock certificate under separate cover, and the gift letter and stock power in a different envelope. We recommend sending via FedEX or UPS, or by US mail with a tracking number.
It is the policy of the College to direct Morgan Stanley to sell gifts of stock immediately upon receipt.
If you have any questions please contact:
Annmarie Lambiasi, Director of Advancement Services at 718-420-4163 or alambias@wagner.edu