$ Payment required
❖ Family/child friendly event
Saturday Morning
8–10:30 a.m.
Alumni Choir Rehearsal
Horrmann Library
Breakfast available at 8 a.m.; rehearsal will begin promptly at 8:45 a.m. Click here for choir music.
8:30 a.m.–7 p.m.
Reunion Registration
Atrium, Union Building
8:30–10:30 a.m.
Reunion Wake-up Breakfast ❖
Manzulli Board Room, Foundation Hall
Get ready for a busy day on campus with a continental breakfast.
President’s Breakfast with Alumni Association Board of Directors and Award Recipients (By Invitation)
9:30–10:15 a.m.
State of the College with President Richard Guarasci
Hall of Fame Room, Spiro Sports Center
Wagner College is constantly evolving. From an innovative curriculum focusing on learning communities and civic education to research projects and study abroad experiences that expand our students’ understanding of the shrinking world we live in, President Guarasci has developed a clear vision for how the practical liberal arts will serve Wagner students for years to come.
10:30–11:45 a.m.
Memorial Service with the Alumni Choir
Horrmann Library
Remember and honor the contributions of alumni and friends of the College whom we have lost this past year. Special performance by the Wagner College Alumni Choir.
Saturday Afternoon
12–2 p.m.
Alumni Awards Luncheon ❖ $
Main Dining Hall
Sponsored by the Alumni Association
All are invited to join the alumni and campus community in recognizing the service and achievements of our 2014 Alumni Association award winners. ($40 pp, $20 per 2004-14 grad, $10 per child under 12, or buy a table of 8 for $280)
2:30 & 3:40 p.m.
“A Tour of the Solar System and Beyond” Planetarium Show ❖
Planetarium, Spiro Hall
Using the planetarium’s new SciDome-HD projection system, we will explore the constellations and learn the star lore of the summer sky. Our show will continue with an IMAX-like presentation, “Oasis In Space,” featuring a close-up visit to the planets and moons of our solar system. Seating for each show time will be first-come, as there are limited seats available.
2:30 & 3:30 p.m.
Campus Tours ❖
Depart from Union Atrium
See and hear about all the changes happening on campus as we take a walking tour. Please plan to arrive at least five minutes before the scheduled tour time.
2:30–4:30 p.m.
Ice Cream Social & Children’s Story Time ❖
Atrium, Union Building
Sponsored by the Wagner College Bookstore and Barnes & Noble College
Get together with other Wagner alumni, their family and friends to enjoy some delicious treats as we relax, reconnect, and enjoy an afternoon on campus. Young Future Seahawks are invited to the Bookstore to listen to alumna Colleen Venable ’02 and alumnus Harold Theurer ’79 read from their published children’s books, The Ferret’s a Foot: Guinea Pig, Pet Shop Private Eye and Hey Dad Let’s Have a Catch, respectively. Reading times will be posted by the bookstore during the weekend. There will also be a special alumni performance at the Ice Cream Social by alumna Karen Schleifer '93 (a.k.a. Curly Karen), 2014 Alumni Award winner Ernie Jackson '87, and alumnus Mike Massimo '91.
3:30–4:30 p.m.
“Fun with Chemistry: Finding Chemistry Around Us” with Dr. Valeria Stepanova, Professor, Chemistry ❖
Freshman Lab, 3rd Floor, Megerle Science Building
This class has been canceled due to a last minute conflict
Turn your child(ren) into a scientist for the afternoon! Performing experiments in a modern, college chemistry laboratory, they will see that usual daily things, like water and air, are not always what they appear to be. We will see how things dissolve in water and other solvents, how gasses can be separated, and how different substances react to heat. Show your children a glimpse of the fun side of chemistry! All experiments will be performed under safe guidance by qualified supervisors. Limited to 20 children, ages 7 and up.
4–5:10 p.m.
“The Golden Age of the Broadway Musical” by alumnus Louis Siani ’51 ❖
Performance Center, Campus Hall
This alumni performance revue will take us on a journey through the history of classical musical theatre as it is captured in the American Songbook, highlighting composers such as George M. Cohan, Jerome Kern, George and Ira Gershwin, Irving Berlin, Cole Porter, Rodgers and Hart, and Rodgers and Hammerstein. All of the vocalists for this show are Wagner College graduates. Click here for more details on the show and its alumni performers.
Saturday Evening

6:30–11 p.m.
Casino Night Cocktail Reception and Dinner Dance $
Union Building
86 any plans you have and check out all the action in the Wagner pit at our annual Reunion Weekend Dinner Dance! Every roller, from fish to whales, is welcome to try their luck at Craps, Blackjack, Roulette and other games when we turn our dining hall into a casino floor, complete with DJ and dance floor. Each guest in attendance will receive a bankroll with their registration for this evening of fun and excitement. Once the action dies down, our Pit Boss will count everyone’s winnings and the top earners will receive prizes for their skill. No real money will be used for the casino games. All chips have no monetary value. ($75 pp, $40 per 2004-14 grad, or buy a table of 8 for $525)
11:30 p.m.–1 a.m.
Young Alumni Comedy Show $
Coffee House, Reynolds House
SoulJoel Productions, founded by Wagner alumnus Joel Richardson ’02 M’08, presents an evening with Ángel Salazar. An established actor/comedian for over 20 years, Ángel has played many major roles including parts in Scarface, where he played ChiChi next to Al Pacino, and Carlito’s Way, as well as Where the Buffalo Roam with Bill Murray, and Punchline with Sally Fields and Tom Hanks. Light refreshments, wine and beer will be available. Each guest is limited to two drink tickets, which are included in your registration fee. Space is limited, advance registration required. Show may contain coarse language and is not recommended for children or those who are easily offended. ($10 pp)
See what is going on the rest of the weekend!
Friday, June 13th - Sunday, June 15th
Ready for Reunion? Register online now!