Women’s Professional Network
Our Mission
The Wagner College Women’s Professional Network is a first class organization that empowers all Wagner’s female-identified and nonbinary community and their allies across all professional disciplines, at every stage of their career – from senior executives and young professionals to entrepreneurs and current students – to achieve and realize their career goals.
The organization accomplishes this by drawing on the extensive and diverse experience of Wagner’s many accomplished alumni as well as Wagner’s talented female-identified and nonbinary student body and their allies, providing everyone the tools and resources to become leaders and role models in the work place.
Quick Facts
- Founded in 2014
- Members: 190+ Women (112 Alumni & 80 Students)
The initiative and its activities are open to all students without regard to race, color, religion, sex, marital status, national origin, age, sexual orientation, pregnancy, disability or status in any group protected by federal, state or local law.
How to Get Involved
If you are an alumni and would like to inquire more information or host a WPN event, please contact Kristin Lenihan, Associate Director, at 718-420-4164 or kristin.lenihan@wagner.edu.
WPN Mission: Empower Wagner’s female community (from student to alumni), across all professional disciplines, for every stage of her career. Senior executives, to young professionals, to current students helping one another achieve professional and personal goals.
WPN Student Initiative Mission: The WPN Student Initiative is open to all female-identified and nonbinary students at Wagner and their allies. Members work together to create an empowering, peer-to-peer support system that gives aspiring professionals, across all academic majors and career interests, the tools to find their voices in the professional sphere and gain confidence
in their abilities.
WPN Values: Draw on a group of extensive and diverse experiences and backgrounds. Keep the conversations alive through
open forums, events and one-on-one member networking.
Lunch and Learns are mid-day meetings held over lunch (typically from 12-2 pm) between you and 10-15 WPN students. When hosting a Lunch and Learn, sharing your personal career story and insights on career paths within your industry, is instrumental to the students development and WPN experience.
We hold 2 Lunch and Learns per fiscal year, resulting in dozens of internships and full-time positions across industries such as Financial Services, PR, Marketing and Sales, Real Estate, Entertainment (Companies including Morgan Stanley, NBC Universal, MSG Networks, etc.).
We are looking for new faces to host our Lunch and Learns. If you are interested in hosting, please let us know. It is a terrific opportunity to showcase your talents and connect with the current students.
We hold an annual event each year:
- WPN Social Networking (Spring)
You also have access to other networking events, such as Career Conversations.
We are extremely happy to have many of you join us from outside the tri-state area! This is as an excellent opportunity to broaden our reach and networking.
Keep an eye out on our Events Calendar page for registrations!