MCB 310 Cellular Signaling. (M) One Unit. Three hours of lecture and three hours of laboratory exercise weekly. Among the most important aspects of modern molecular biochemistry and cellular biology, cellular signaling, internal or otherwise, influences every facet of all living organisms. Students will explore the fundamental unit of life before delving into the molecular underpinnings that facilitate drive cellular behaviors including phagocytosis, autophagy, proliferation and migration, metabolism, gene expression, physiology, and death. Emphasis will be placed on signal generation and second messenger modulation while drawing examples from clinically significant case studies.
MCB 400E Experiential Component in Molecular & Cellular Biochemistry. (M) Zero units. This zero-unit course is the experiential component of the senior learning community and is linked to Senior Thesis in Biological Sciences (BI 400). It includes at least 100 hours of experiential, which must be completed prior to BI 400, as determined by the chair of the student's senior thesis committee. This experiential component serves as the basis for the research paper completed in BI 400. Permission of Departmental Senior Learning Community Coordinator required. Offered fall, spring, and summer.*
MCB 491 Advances in Molecular & Cellular Biochemistry. (M)(O)(R) One unit. Three hours of lecture each week. This course introduces students to key concepts and advances in research in both eukaryotic and prokaryotic molecular cells. Students receive instruction on effective approaches to critically reading primary research articles and on how to give an effective journal club presentation. Students will practice and hone these skills by preparing and presenting multiple oral presentations over the course of the semester. This course is part of the senior learning community in biology, microbiology and molecular cell biology and is normally taken during the senior year.