NS 310 Cellular Neuroscience. (M) (Q) (R) (T) One unit. Three hours of lecture and three hours of laboratory weekly. Students will explore the fundamental unit of the nervous system by examining cellular structure and function before delving into the molecular underpinnings that facilitate communication both centrally and peripherally. Emphasis will be placed on signal propagation, second messenger modulation, potentiation, neurotransmitter synthesis and axon growth, presented through the lens of historical and contemporary research while drawing examples from clinically significant case studies. Offered fall semesters. (NOTE: No lab beginning Fall 2023.)
NS 320 Functional Neuroanatomy. (M) (O) One unit. Three hours of lecture and three hours of laboratory weekly. Functional Neuroanatomy is the study of structures of the human brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves and sensory organs of the human body with a functional perspective. This course will introduce the student to both anatomical structures and basic, principal physiological processes of the nervous system together with the organs of special senses. Offered spring semesters.
NS 400E Experiential Component in Neuroscience. (M) Zero units. This zero-unit course is the experiential component of the senior learning community and is linked to Senior Thesis in Biological Sciences (BI 400). It includes at least 100 hours of experiential, which must be completed prior to BI 400, as determined by the chair of the student's senior thesis committee. This experiential component serves as the basis for the research paper completed in BI 400. Permission of Departmental Senior Learning Community Coordinator required. Offered fall, spring, and summer.*
NS 491 Advances in Neuroscience. (M)(O)(R) One unit. 3 hours of lecture weekly. Comprehensive and interdisciplinary by design, this capstone course asks students to leverage the entirety of their training to discuss and predict the future of neuroscience research while emphasizing clinical application of recent therapeutic breakthroughs. Students will use their knowledge of molecular biology, biochemistry, anatomy, physics and immunology to dissect landmark studies, recent advancements, and controversial theories that shape modern neurobiological landscapes. This course is part of the senior learning community in microbiology and is normally taken during the senior year. Offered spring semesters.