The following is an explanation of the terms that appear on your statement.
At the top of your statement you will find a previous balance listed. This may be zero, meaning you have no charges or credits from the period prior to the current semester; a positive number showing the amount you still owe from the previous period; or a negative number, indicated a credit balance (overpayment). Charges and credits will be added to and subtracted from this amount.
The following will appear as charges on your account:
TUITION: Undergraduate full-time students are charged a flat rate per semester. This flat rate entitles them to register for 9 units for the year. Students wishing to register for more than 9 units per year will be charged at the per unit tuition rate. Graduate charges are per credit. Special instructional (lab) fees may apply to certain courses.
HOUSING & MEALS: Charges for on-campus housing and meals per semester. If the housing listed on your statement is not correct, contact Residence Education at 718-390-3420 and confirm any changes with the Business Office. All students residing on campus during fall or spring semester must have a meal plan.
COMMUTER MEAL PLAN: charged to all full-time commuter students. This plan can be activated at Dining Services up on arrival on campus for the semester. You may decline this meal plan by emailing by the end of the drop/add period.
STUDENT FEE: Charged to all full-time students each semester, and covers student activities, Information Technology services (including wifi access and I.T. Help Desk assistance), and shuttle transportation. In addition, it covers health services (unlimited access to the Center for Health and Wellness services, most over the counter medications and immunizations, and the Wellness Access Plan which provides a supplement to a student’s primary health care coverage. If you have any questions or concerns about health services, please feel free to contact the Center at (718)390-3158 or
HEALTH INSURANCE: charged to all full-time students annually, unless it is waived. In order to do this, you must complete the Health Insurance waiver at If you need assistance, please call E.I.I.A. at 888-255-4029. If you have not completed the process by the end of the drop/add period, the fee will not be waived.
ONE-TIME HOUSING CONTRACT FEE: All incoming resident students are charged this non-refundable housing contract fee.
TUITION REFUND INSURANCE PLAN: Charged annually (fall semester) to all full-time undergraduate students. This elective insurance plan enhances and extends Wagner’s current published refund policy and assures subscribers up to an 85% tuition refund (including housing and meal costs for residential students) for medical withdrawals (including mental health issues). The plan is offered by AWG Dewar. Please note that Wagner’s refund policy, as well as the Tuition Refund Plan, applies to complete withdrawals only. For coverage details, please visit
NURSING COURSE BUNDLE (nursing students only): costs for books, supplies and ATI curriculum are included on student invoices
GRADUATION APPLICATION FEE: A non-refundable fee charged to all students graduating
Credits will appear on your statement as follows:
PAYMENTS: Payments will be listed on your statement by the date entered into our system.
SCHOLARSHIPS AND GRANTS: Scholarships and grants will appear as credits on your account when they are received by our office
LOANS: Loans will appear as credits on your account when they are received by our office.
Loans, scholarships and grants that the Financial Aid office is expecting you to receive will be listed as pending aid on your account. This anticipated amount is then subtracted from your charges so you are only asked to pay the difference that is due by the payment deadline. PLEASE NOTE that if for any reason you are not eligible or do not receive these expected funds, you will be responsible to pay the total amount due. If your pending financial aid results in an over-payment on your account, please be advised you will not be able to get a refund of those funds until we have actually received them. If you are borrowing extra money, plan ahead knowing you will not be able to access the extra money until all the loans and scholarships come in and there is an actual credit balance.
If the amounts listed do not match the amounts listed on your award letter, please contact the Office of Financial Aid. College Work Study will not appear on your bill as pending aid, even if it is listed on your financial aid award letter.
Once the anticipated funds are received, your statement will no longer list them as ‘Pending Aid’, but instead they will appear as ‘Credits’. If the credits result in an over-payment, you will be able to request a refund by contacting the Business Office at 718-390-3112 or email
The student is responsible to check the statement for accuracy, including the anticipated financial aid awards, housing and registration. Please notify the us right away to address any questions.
This is the amount that you will need to pay by the due date. You may elect to arrange a monthly payment plan for this amount by signing up for a payment plan in Student Account Center (through the billing tab in myWagner) or by calling Nelnet at 800-609-8056. You may also apply for additional loans for this amount, but the loans should be arranged and approved by the payment due date.
Student Accounts – 718-390-3112 –
Financial Aid – 718-390-3183 –
Registrar – 718-390-3173 –
Dining Services – 718-390-3246
Health Services – 718-390-3158
Public Safety – 718-390-3165
Residential Education – 718-390-3420