
Campus Safety goes beyond keeping you safe. We also offer services to make your time on campus enjoyable and convenient.

Wagner College provides free Ferry Shuttle service from the Campus to the Staten Island Ferry Terminal.  The shuttle departs Campus at 10 minutes and 40 minutes after the hour.  The pick up locations on Campus are the front of Parker Hall, and the gazebo near the main security booth.


2024 Winter Break Ferry Shuttle Service

The following service changes will begin on Friday, December 20, 2024.

Monday – Friday Service

  • Campus departures at 40 minutes past the hour
  • St. George Ferry Terminal departures at 10 minutes past the hour
  • The first Shuttle will depart Campus at 6:40 a.m.
  • The last Shuttle will depart the St. George Ferry Terminal at 6:10 p.m.

Saturday – Sunday: No Weekend Service

There will be No Ferry Shuttle Service  between Tuesday, December 24, 2024 and Thursday, January 2, 2025

We will resume regular Ferry Shuttle service on Thursday, January 16, 2025. Reach out to or Public Safety at 718-390-3148 with any questions.

2025 Spring Ferry Shuttle Service

The Spring Ferry Shuttle Service will resume its full schedule starting on Thursday, January 16, 2025. Please see the schedule posted below for all days and times.  Any questions please call Campus Safety, at 718-390-3148.

During the semester (when classes are in session), these links provide information on normal scheduling for the ferry shuttle:





Escort 1

Campus Safety also provides a walking/golf cart escort service on an “as needed” basis to students and staff who request it. Handicap escorts are also provided. Call 718-390-3148 should you need an escort.

Escorts are provided to all locations within the Campus Safety patrol area. The service is to allow safe travel from one location to another with a greater sense of security.


Your Wagner College ID card serves as your identification card, and access card and must be carried with you at all times. Your ID card can also be used for:

  • access to the dorms, dining halls and fitness center
  • identification for computer labs, library, and mail
  • admittance to functions and programs on campus
  • identification for purchases on campus and parking permits
  •  meal plans

The following may make your ID card unusable:

  • placing stickers on the card
  • placing it near a strong magnet
  • putting it through the wash
  • bending, cutting, punching a hole or scratching your card in any way

Students must report to House #4 Monday-Friday, between 8:30 AM-4:30PM, to obtain a replacement identification card. There is no charge for the first card, but student will be charged a $30.00 fee for any replacements after the initial card is issued. We no longer issue temporary cards.

For replacement Identification Cards, click here and complete the form. Your new ID card must be picked up at the Public Safety Office during office hours, Monday-Friday 8:30 AM-4:30PM.

The Wagner College Department of Campus Safety (DCS) is the central repository for valuables found by community members on our campus. Items turned into our care are kept in a secured space and recorded. We proactively work to return belongings to their owners, promptly and when feasible.

If you would like to report a lost item you can complete a Lost & Found Inquiry form,  call us at 718-390-3165, or visit the Campus Safety office from 8:30am to 4 pm Monday through Friday.

If you find a lost item on our campus or in a Wagner facility, please turn the item into a Wagner Campus Safety Officer or bring the item directly to the Campus Safety Office (in front of the Union). For after hours assistance, please turn the item in to the Campus Safety Officer in the security booth (24/7).
Items received by Lost and Found will be kept by the Department of Campus Safety for 30 days, after which they will be removed from inventory and either discarded or donated to a local charity.
Examples of Accepted Items
  • Mobile Devices / Laptops / Tablets
  • Wallets / Purses
  • Eyewear
  • Backpacks
  • Keys
  • Jewelry
  • Textbooks

Examples of Items not Accepted

  • Clothing items / linens
  • Water bottles
  • Perishable items / Food
  • Flammable items (lighters, vape pens, etc.)
  • Personal grooming items (combs, brushes, bows, ribbons, scrunchies, etc.)
  • Intentionally abandoned property (electronic equipment that obviously does not work, damaged furniture, items placed by trash containers for disposal, etc.)

Parking & Driving Regulations

It is important that every individual operating an automobile know and obey the parking and driving regulations of the college. The rules and regulations below are enforced by Wagner College Public Safety Officers.

Parking Assignments

Resident, Commuter and Graduate Students

  • Stadium Lot
  • Upper Tiers

Full Time Faculty and Administration

  • Spiro Lot
  • Foundation Lot
  • On Campus Parking

Adjunct Faculty

  • Lower Tier
  • Spiro Lot (after 4:00PM)


  • Spiro Lot
  • Lower Tier


  • Lower Tier

If parking lots are full, there is also parking on the streets around the campus.

Parking Permits

All faculty, administration, staff and students operating motor vehicles (including motorcycles) on campus must have their vehicle(s) registered with the Public Safety Office.  A parking permit application can be completed at the Public Safety Office (House #4, across from the Union building) Monday-Friday between 8:30AM-4:30PM.  Permits are free of charge.  A valid Wagner ID card is required, as well as pertinent vehicle information, for a campus parking permit.  Vehicle permits must be affixed to the passenger window on the driver’s side of the vehicle.

You may also submit this form online and pick up your permit within 3 days at the Public Safety Office.

Speed Limits

Drivers must operate vehicles in a safe manner with regard to traffic and road surface conditions.  Vehicles must be operated in control and at a safe speed not to exceed a maximum limit of 15 miles per hour.

Handicapped Parking

Those parking in a handicapped parking space must display either handicapped license plates or tag.  Those who do not will be ticketed, fined $50.00 and/or towed at the driver’s expense.

Parking Surfaces

Driving and parking is permitted on asphalt paved parking lots and roadways only.  Driving on pave block walkways is prohibited except for service, maintenance and emergency vehicles.  Parking or driving on grassed areas is also prohibited.  Parking is permitted only in a delineated spot (between two white lines).

Reckless Driving

Reckless driving is defined as driving with “will or wanton disregard for the safety of life or property.”  Reckless driving will not be tolerated.  Persons guilty of reckless driving on campus may have their campus driving/parking privileges withdrawn.

Violations and Penalties


  • Parking on or over lines
  • Parking without authorization
  • Unregistered vehicles


  • Parking in fire lane
  • Exceeding 15 MPH speed limit


  • Parking on campus roadway
  • Blocking driveway, walk, entrance, stairs, etc.


  • Reckless driving
  • Unauthorized parking in a handicapped space

Payment for violations can be made in the Business Office on the first floor of Cunard Hall.  Until all outstanding summonses are paid in full, grades and transcripts will be withheld and the transgressor will be unable to register for additional classes.  Anyone wishing to protest his/her violation must do so within five (5) school days of receipt (date) of the summons by submitting a summons appeal form available in the Public Safety Office or on the link in the right column.

If an appeal is not filed within the five day period, fines will automatically be charged to your account. All appeals will be reviewed by the Parking Appeals Board consisting of two students, one staff member, one faculty member, one college administrator and one Public Safety administrator.

Van service is provided and requires advance reservation. Van Reservation Forms can be found here.

For FYP or Port Richmond Partnership vans your reservation must be submitted 48 Hours in advance

FYP/Port Richmond Partnership Van Reservation Request Form

For Athletics, Special Events or Trips reservations request must be submitted 7 days in advance of the event.

Athletics and Special Events

Complete the Campus Safety Security Services Request Form if you need additional Campus Safety Officers or NYPD paid detail at your upcoming event.

This form MUST be submitted at least 14 days PRIOR to your event. Campus Safety Officers and NYPD paid detail are paid a 4-hour minimum. If you have any questions, you can call us at 718-390-3165, or visit the Campus Safety office from 8:30am to 4 pm Monday through Friday.