Apparel and Merchandise

Staff apparel

Apparel created for staff or other campus members acting in an official, non-athletics capacity for Wagner College should use the institutional logo.

If you need to include your unit name with the logo, we can provide artwork combining the logo with your unit name. Contact our project manager with your request.

A green fleece jacket with the Wagner College logo, left, and a green polo with the Wagner College logo and Residential Education typeset underneath


Merchandise and licensing

Wagner College reviews and approves merchandise and other products that use institutional and athletics marks through its designated partner, Learfield Licensing Partners.

The Department of Athletics oversees the use of athletics marks. For questions about these, contact the assistant athletic director for external relations, Gregory Cusick.

The Office of Communications and Marketing oversees the use of institutional marks. Non-athletic merchandise should adhere to the guidelines below, even if it does not use institutional marks.

General guidelines

  • Products created for unofficial/non-institutional purposes need not utilize institutional marks.
  • Institutional and athletics marks may not be combined on the same product.
  • Typography: It is generally permissible to set “Wagner College” in typefaces other than those in the core identity for casual or spirit products.
    • However, if ‘Wagner College’ will be set in all caps and in a serif typeface on a straight line, it is preferable to use the logo rather than a non-identity typeface.
  • Colors: Official school colors, especially Wagner green, are the preferred base colors, though other colors may be used as necessary and appropriate.

Fake college seals and seal-like images

To avoid brand confusion and to prevent the association of Wagner College with sub-par imagery, no products may feature graphic treatments that are reminiscent of a college seal and are not the official seal. Use of the official seal is limited as described below.

  • A seal-like image is considered to be any design that looks like a distinctive device or shield and bears graphic elements, such as laurel leaves, a book, or other symbols of education and learning, that imply a collegiate identity.

Institutional marks

  • Institutional marks may not be altered in any way.
  • When the Wagner College logo is used, it must be used in full.
  • Institutional marks may not overlap or intersect with other elements.
  • The stacked version of the Wagner College logo should only be used when scale and placement do not permit the full, one-line primary logo.

Official seal

  • The official seal is not a logo. It should not be used on casual or spirit products.
  • The official seal may be used on high-end or formal products with approval. High-end materials include metal and glass. Examples: jewelry; diploma frames.
  • No products may use obsolete renderings of the seal or shield.