Wagner green and gold are the primary colors of the core identity. They effectively and immediately communicate a connection to Wagner College.
Secondary and tertiary colors should be used in conjunction with at least one of the primary colors at all times. Tints are permitted when used with at least one of the primary colors at full ink coverage/opacity.
Primary Colors
Wagner GreenPantone: 553
C/M/Y/K: 65/0/55/80
RGB: 0, 67, 49
Hexadecimal: #004331
C/M/Y/K: 65/0/55/80
RGB: 0, 67, 49
Hexadecimal: #004331
Wagner GoldPantone: 874
C/M/Y/K: 38/42/95/0
RGB: 170, 142, 60
Hexadecimal: #AA8E3C
Website only, for WCAG 2.0:
RGB 138, 116, 46; Hex #8A742E
C/M/Y/K: 38/42/95/0
RGB: 170, 142, 60
Hexadecimal: #AA8E3C
Website only, for WCAG 2.0:
RGB 138, 116, 46; Hex #8A742E