Academic Programs

The Education Department at Wagner College offers undergraduate programs for elementary education and reduced credit masters’ degrees. Our graduate programs lead to initial and professional certification in elementary and secondary education.  In addition, we offer advanced degrees in early childhood education and educational leadership.

Two national professional organizations focused on education have active student chapters at Wagner College.  ASCD and Kappa Delta Pi both provide students opportunities to engage the broader world of educational professionals, hosting community service, research, and social events throughout the year.



Curriculum Plan Music Ed PreK-12

Curriculum Plan Undergrad 1-6 SWD

Curriculum Plan Undergrad Minor 1-6 / 7-12

Curriculum Plan Graduate 1-6 SWD

Curriculum Plan Graduate 7-12 SWD- Non Residency

Curriculum Plan Graduate 7-12 SWD- Residency Route

Curriculum Plan Graduate B-2 SWD