The Education Studies Minor: A Pathway to Many Walks of Life
A minor in educational studies provides a focused program of study for students interested in education, whether or not they may want to pursue teaching at a later date. Graduates find their Education Studies minor helps prepare them for careers in youth development, social work, community development, counseling, public administration, and further graduate studies.
Students interested in pursuing teaching as a career are eligible for Wagner's accelerated masters program in Childhood/Students with Disabilities (grades 1-6) or Adolescent/Students with Disabilities (grades 7-12). Upon successful completion of the graduate program, students can be recommended for certification. Early advisement as an undergraduate minor is recommended to ensure electives can satisfy State and professional accreditation requirements.
The minor in Education Studies requires four core courses and licensure specific courses for either childhood or secondary education:
Foundations of Education
Prerequisite to all other courses
EN 280: Writing Intense Tutoring (mandatory for all minors-spring only)
ED 326: Teaching & Learning for the Inclusive Setting
ED 326L: Teaching & Learning for the Inclusive Setting Lab
Next two courses may be taken in any order or together
ED 312: Learning Environments for Students with Exceptionalities
ED 322: Instructional Technology in a Networked World (TC)
Minor Concentration: Childhood or Adolescent (2 Units)
Contact Advisor before making a selection
Childhood Education
ED 425: Theories in Language Acquisition & Literacy Development
ED 426: Language Acquisition and Literacy Development
ED 426L: Language Acquisition and Literacy Development Lab
Adolescent Education, to be taken in senior year
ED 559: The Secondary Classroom in an Inclusive Setting
ED 562: Content Area Reading & Writing
Click here for a downloadable program requirements document