How do I declare a major or minor in Education?
You will meet with the Chair of Education and the Chair of your primary department to discuss your goals and complete the declaration of major/declaration of minor form. Make sure both chairs sign the form. Note that all education programs require a 3.0 GPA.
What are the steps to apply for graduate school in Education?
Applying to graduate school requires two simultaneous but distinct steps. You must complete a graduate application through the Graduate Admissions process and also be admitted to the Education program to which you are applying. All Education graduate programs require a 3.0 GPA and an appropriate undergraduate liberal arts curriculum and major. As part of the process, once your application packet is submitted, you will interview with a faculty member to assess your match for the program and your prior educational coursework. Once recommended for admission from the program, the Wagner Admissions Office will contact you with an offer.
When can I schedule my interview to enter the program?
You must complete a graduate application, submit it to the Office of Graduate Admissions, and then receive word from Admissions that your application is complete and an interview can be scheduled.
What undergraduate programs are available in Education?
Undergraduates are eligible for a dual major that leads to certification in Childhood Education (1-6) and Students with Disabilities (1-6). Education dual majors must be enrolled as majors in one of 12 different departments. These are: Art, English, French, History, Mathematics, Music, Natural Science, Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology/Anthropology, Spanish, and Theatre. In addition, Wagner undergraduates can minor in education, with an emphasis in either elementary or secondary education. Minors are not qualified for certification upon graduation but are prepared to enter graduate studies in education at a more advanced level than individuals with no education minor.
What graduate programs are available in Education?
There are two initial licensure programs at the master’s level: Childhood Education/Students with Disabilities (1-6) Adolescent Education/Students with Disabilities (7-12). We offer an advanced masters’ program for certified teachers: Early Childhood/Students with Disabilities (birth-2nd grade).
Which classes are required for undergraduate Education majors?
In addition to the courses required from your dual major outside of education, there are currently 13 education classes you will take. Some of these courses will have associated required fieldwork beyond the traditional class meeting time. See our programs of study for more information.
What is the process for moving through the undergraduate Education program? Please see our undergraduate curriculum sheet for more information.
What classes are required for graduate Education majors?
It varies depending on the program. Please see our programs of study for more information and discuss program requirements with faculty when you apply.
I am having a problem in one of my courses. What should I do?
The preferred first step is always to speak with your professor. Whether there has been a misunderstanding, you need academic support, or something needs to be changed, your professor is nearly always the best person to approach. If need be, speak to the Chair of Education or put into writing your concern or need.
What are field hours, and how many must I complete?
Field hours are guided experiences within educational settings that allow teacher candidates the opportunity to observe and practice in school settings before full-time student teaching. Field hours are closely created and arranged with our partner schools in private and public settings in New York. The number of field hours required varies by program and course, but when a class does carry field hours usually you will need to schedule 20-30 additional hours for the field experiences.
How many hours must I complete for student teaching?
Ordinarily, you must complete 14 weeks of full-time students teaching, or about 450 hours in all.
What are requirements for certification?
In addition to graduation from an approved program, individuals seeking certification through an educational institution must take and pass state exams related to their certification areas, be fingerprinted, and provide documentation that they have taken state-required workshops. The Department of Education provides supports for these processes.
How do I get certified?
Certification happens through the State. You will register on the NYSED TEACH site and request recommendation for certification from the Chair of the Department of Education at Wagner.
How do I get certified for Special Education?
Because Wagner’s programs are registered as dual certification programs, completing all requirements will approve you for both general and special education certification.
As an undergraduate, what kind of NYS certification can I receive upon graduation?
With successful program and state requirement completion, you will receive dual certification in Childhood Education – Grades 1-6 and Childhood Education and Children with Disabilities – Grades 1-6.
How can I get a substitute license?
Some general information is on our site here. You must hold a bachelor’s degree and be nominated by a principal. Speak to a principal or officials in the New York City Department of Education for additional information.
What states can I apply to for certification if I pass the Praxis exam?
Most states. Exceptions are Massachusetts and California.
What kinds of workshops does the Department of Education offer?
We provide both state-required workshops and specialized workshops to support current Wagner student needs. Check our website for upcoming workshops.
Are there fees for the workshops?
Very rarely. To date, Wagner College has been able to provide all required workshops for no charge to our current students.
For state-required workshops, what evidence do I receive to prove my attendance?
At all required workshops, you and the workshop facilitator sign a sheet indicating that you participated. This form is filed with the State.