Conceptual Framework

Education Department faculty are committed to working with teacher candidates at all levels to prepare them for diverse and inclusive classrooms – Birth to Grade 12. The mission of the Department is to sustain a strong commitment to pedagogical practice that is inclusive, democratic, and constructivist.

Our teacher candidates work effectively with a wide range of populations, helping youth grow as unique individuals, citizens, and learners. Our ultimate goal is to prepare Caring, Curious, Competent, Committed, and Community-active professionals (the five C’s) who

  • value experiential learning and interdisciplinary study;
  • possess content knowledge (knowledge about the subject they are teaching), pedagogical knowledge (knowledge of general instructional strategies), pedagogical content knowledge (knowledge of specific strategies for teaching a particular subject), and context knowledge (knowledge of community, district, and school);
  • possess an unwavering respect for learning, diversity, cultural difference, and multicultural education;
  • strive to differentiate instruction so that all students can learn at their own pace;
  • personify an ethic of caring, upholding the ideals of justice, equity, and opportunity for all people;
  • think creatively, reflectively, and critically in grappling with a variety of educational challenges;
  • act collaboratively and professionally;
  • maintain high standards of excellence for themselves and for their students; and
  • honor critical life-long learning.