CLCE 2015 Fall Semester Recap

CLCE 2015 Fall Semester Recap

From August through December 2015


  • Port Richmond Partnership Leadership Academy begins its second summer program: 27 Port Richmond High School students got to know each other this past summer and embark on a common journey, a three-year college access and leadership development program. This program is explicitly designed to deepen participants' academic abilities as well as their community capacity-building skills.
  • The Sound of Port Richmond:In its third year, Wagner College and Imagining America, alongside Port Richmond and the greater Staten Island community members, developed a community theater project motivated by the issues surrounding the tragic death of Eric Garner. This project seeks to facilitate dialogue on pressing issues within the community. The project provides a safe and neutral space for communal growth, and by bringing the College and community closer together in a mutual and beneficial way, seeking to spur positive action.
  • Bonner Leadership Orientation: Annually, the CLCE dedicates a weeklong program that welcomes Bonner students, both new and old, to Wagner College.
  • MOVE Beyond the Bench: During the summer, a group of athletes met weekly to discuss pressing issues while developing academic and leadership skills as well as attended community-based internships. MOVE is designed to help enhance student-athletes' academic learning and civic engagement capacity.



  • Port Richmond Partnership Leadership Academy (PRPLA) Seminars:PRPLA students met on a weekly basis to deepen their academic and capacity-building skills and best practices to be college ready.
  • Bonner Leadership Program Seminars: Students from the Bonner Leaders Program met on a weekly basis to reflect and discuss their experiences as leaders in the Wagner community and beyond.
  • Constitution Day Celebration and Panel Discussion: Wagner College celebrated Constitution Day by spreading constitutional awareness in the Student Union during the day. The evening portion was lead by Generation Citizen and the IMPACT Scholars Civic Network with a discussion titled "Don't Talk About Change, Lead It", that took place in the Gatehouse Lounge of Harborview Hall.
  • LC Tours of Port Richmond: Throughout the month of September, students from the freshman Learning Communities toured the Port Richmond community. Students learned about the community's history and Wagner's longstanding partnership within Port Richmond.
  • New York Women’s Foundation Neighborhood Dinner: Wagner College was the host of the foundation’s first neighborhood dinner on Staten Island. Local community members were recognized for their work in the Staten Island community.



  • IMPACT Scholars Student Network Kickback Event:A student led, social game night to bridge the different groups that exist on campus.
  • Port Richmond Partnership Leadership Academy Seminars: PRPLA students met on a weekly basis to deepen their academic and capacity-building skills. They also visited Borough President James Oddo as part of their Lecture Series.
  • Bonner Leadership Program Seminars: Students from this program met on a weekly basis to reflect and discuss their experiences as leaders in the Wagner community and beyond.
  • Port Richmond Panel: The Port Richmond panel was hosted in Manzulli Board Room, to prepare first year students for their community at Wagner College. The panel's topic was titled Entering and exiting communities: Breaking down barriers of difference and building bridges of change. CLCE Director, Samantha Siegel, opened the event by presenting Wagner's curricular overview and Port Richmond Partnership's framework and Dr. Lori Weintrob followed with an insightful presentation of the history of Port Richmond.
  • Bonner Congress: Bonner Congress Representatives from around the country gathered at University of Houston, TX. The mission of this national meeting was to develop "Big Ideas" and strategically organize around issues within their region and on their college campuses.
  • Port Richmond Friendship Dinner: Bonner Leaders attended the four-year anniversary of Port Richmond Friendship Dinners hosted by our partner organization Project Hospitality.



  • Port Richmond Partnership Leadership Academy Seminars: PRPLA students met on a weekly basis to deepen their academic and capacity-building skills.
  • Bonner Leadership Program Seminars: Students from this program met on a weekly basis to reflect and discuss their experiences as leaders in the Wagner community and beyond.
  • Five Habits of the Heart Branding Campaign launchesWagner College Freshman Learning Community, LC2, had been studying business and business ethics with local restaurateur Maria Morales. Guided by professors Amy Eshleman and Richard LaRocca, Wagner students helped give Ms. Morales a fresh look to her restaurant.
  • Lunch and Learn Dialogues: A series of dialogues centered on current pressing social issues. These events are organized in collaboration with concerned students, and facilitated by The Center for Leadership and Community Engagement.
  • Staten Island Educational Partnership first anniversary reception - 30,000 Degrees:A celebration marking the first milestone of this very ambitious project that engages a wide variety of leaders and stakeholders in Staten Island--ranging from government, early childhood education, K-12 social services, local business organizations, local colleges, civic associations, nonprofits, and philanthropic organizations--with the common goal of increasing the number of Bachelor's degrees obtained in the borough-wide by 30,000 before the year 2025.
  • Oxfam Hunger Banquet: At this interactive event, the place where one sits and the meal that one receives are both determined by the luck of the draw--just as in real life, some of us are born into relative prosperity and others into poverty. The event was planned in coordination with Oxfam International and Alpha Phi Omega.



  • Port Richmond Partnership Leadership Academy Seminars: PRPLA students met on a weekly basis to deepen their academic and capacity-building skills.
  • Bonner Leadership Program Seminars: Students from this program met on a weekly basis to reflect and discuss their experiences as leaders in the Wagner community and beyond.
  • Sound of Port Richmond Performance:A performance based on the summer production of Every Time You See Me, a community theater project motivated by the issues surrounding the tragic death of Eric Garner.
  • Bonner Holiday Party: A gathering to celebrate the spirit of the holiday season and reflect on the accomplishments and lessons of the semester.