Grants are funds which do not have to be repaid. Any grants for which you are eligible will appear on your Financial Aid Offer. Information on the following grants is below:
Federal Pell Grants are awarded to undergraduate students who are pursuing their first bachelor's degree. For many students, Pell Grants provide a foundation of financial aid to which other aid may be added.
To determine if you are eligible, the U.S. Department of Education uses a standard formula to evaluate the information you report when you apply. The formula produces a Student Aid Index (SAI) number. Your FAFSA Submission Summary (FSS) contains this number and will inform you of the possibility that you may be eligible for Pell. Please keep in mind that if your FSS indicates that you are ineligible for Pell this does not mean you are ineligible for all forms of aid.
You can receive only one Pell Grant in an award year from one school at a time. How much you get will depend not only on your SAI but on your cost of attendance, whether you are a full-time or part-time student, whether you attend school for a full academic year or less and whether or not you are meeting satisfactory academic progress.
A Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) is for undergraduates with exceptional financial need-that is, students with the lowest SAI - and gives priority to students who receive Federal Pell Grants.
There is no guarantee that every Pell eligible student will be able to receive a FSEOG; students at each school are paid based on the availability of funds at that school.
A New York State TAP Grant is for undergraduate students in NYS schools who are attending school full-time (minimum of 12 credits) and enrolled in a degree-granting program. The student and parents must legal residents of the State of New York for a minimum of 12 months prior to applying for TAP.
In order to determine your eligibility for TAP you must file a TAP application with NYS Higher Education Services Corporation (HESC) each award year.
The application process for TAP will begin with the filing of the FAFSA. If you file your FAFSA via the web, you will automatically be directed to the TAP website where you can file your application on-line. If you file a paper FAFSA, you may be able to file your application via the web. If you prefer not to file your TAP application via the web, TAP will then send a pre-printed Express TAP Application (ETA) to you. Applications will not be available at high schools or colleges.
TAP award amounts are based on a family's NYS Net Taxable Income as reported on the NYS tax returns, college grade level, number of other family members in college and the type of college you are attending.
HESC determines an applicant's eligibility and mails an award certificate directly to the student indicating the amount the student is eligible for. An estimated award amount will appear on your Wagner College Financial Aid Offer.
Many states offer grant programs for higher education. For information regarding your state's higher education programs, please see NASFAA's State Financial Aid Programs webpage.