A Message from a Leprechaun
For those of you who don’t know me, let me start off by saying my name’s Kayla and I am not “technically” a leprechaun. I am, however, spending my summer interning in Ireland, and a lot of that Irish luck has rubbed off on me. (Don’t worry; I’ll bring some of it back to Wagner.)
This week is actually my last week in Ireland, and I’m not quite ready to leave. But, before I get all sappy and cry on my laptop, I guess I could give you a little more background on my semi-leprechaun self.

I’m currently a senior at Wagner majoring in film with a minor in journalism. Besides writing for HawkTalk, I’m a part of Vocal Synergy, WCBG, Alpha Sigma Alpha, the Wagner College Choir, and Habitat for Humanity. I clearly love being a part of Wagner ('cause sometimes, you have to admit, it’s not that bad). Ideally, I’d love to be a broadcast journalist for a large news network like NBC.

Beside school though, I am a huge history nerd. I literally cannot cram enough information in my brain. That’s one reason why Ireland has been the biggest dream come true; I spend every day at my internship learning some of Ireland’s coolest history. I’m at a company called Martello Media. My company designs some of the greatest exhibitions in Ireland, including a museum at Glasnevin, the largest cemetery in Dublin. Not to let my ADD take over, but there’s an incredible documentary about that cemetery that is absolutely worth your time called One Million Dubliners! (Sadly, it’s not on Netflix, so you might actually have to rent something.)

We’re currently designing an exhibition to mark the 100-year anniversary of one of the most important events in Ireland, Easter Rising. If you’re not aware, Easter Rising was a bloody revolt in 1916 to attempt to overthrow British rule in Ireland. The insurrection lasted only 6 days but was a huge catalyst for what would ultimately become home rule.
Anyway, I’ll stop boring you with the history nonsense (I could go on for hours), but overall Ireland has been life-changing. If you ever have the chance to study abroad, just do it because it is something you will remember for the rest of your life. I especially loved interning abroad because, as AA250 (Introduction to Arts Administration) taught me, you have to get those internships while you can.

I’ve learned more about myself in Ireland than I ever thought possible. It is truly an amazing country that I will absolutely be traveling back to. (Hopefully in April for my company’s exhibition opening of our Easter Rising exhibit!) Put Ireland on your bucket list, folks, you won’t regret it.
Well, I hope you learned a little about me, a little about history, and a lot about leprechauns. I’ll leave you for now with the Irish cheers: Sláinte!