Don’t Judge a College by Its Size
Whoever said Wagner College does not know how to party, they are completely wrong. For a very small campus, there are some amazing parties that go on every now and then. One of Wagner's main events of the year is Wagnerstock; the Greek organizations have their mixers; and the Theatre Department has their themed parties at the Coffeehouse.

Everyone waits anxiously for the spring semester because of Wagnerstock. This event happens on the Oval, in front of Main Hall. Organizations set up stations where students are able to participate in games, and there are also some free giveaways from outside organizations. Last year, NYC radio station Z100 participated and brought free posters, sunglasses, and stickers. Several students perform as well, and everyone joins in to jump, dance, and sing along to the performer. Once the performances are done, the speakers kick in with the latest music to carry on with the day. To end the day with a bang, Wagner has the "Big Name" event in the gym: a famous artist or band giving a private concert for all the Wagner community. We all go with our best friends to dance the night away alongside the performer.
Greek organizations have parties with one another called Mixers. These basically consist of two or more Greek organizations coming together to socialize with each other. These parties are always themed, which makes everyone excited to see all of the costumes. Some examples of past mixers are Greek Life Nicknames, Camping, Back to School, Highlighter Party, and Celebrity Couples. It is amazing to see the different ideas we all come up with to make interesting mixers.

If you want to see the most creative costumes and one of the most amazing parades, then you have to go to the theatre themed parties. The Theatre Department plans these parties so the freshmen get to know the performance major upperclassmen. Some of the parties are: Student/Teacher, Halloween, 8th Grade Party, and the ABC Party. These parties demonstrate that Wagner College has the best variety of creative and artistic minds.