Getting Involved on Campus
I did it! I survived the first week of college! I've made friends, learned some new stuff, and got ready to take my next step: Getting involved!
Throughout college orientation and the first week of classes I was overwhelmed by the vast amounts of information presented to me from various clubs and organizations on campus. As someone who is very social, outgoing, and LOVES to be involved in many different things, I was immediately compelled to join as many clubs as possible. The main opportunity to learn and sign up for clubs is through the club fair. This year the club fair was held on Stutter Oval on the Friday of the second week of classes.
I went into the club fair eager and open minded. I couldn't wait to start writing finding out what Wagner offered and how I could get involved. Each organization set up a table with a sign-up sheet for students' contact info. Don't worry! Putting your name down is not a solid commitment to a club or organization. Throughout the following weeks, clubs will email you to inform you more about what they do and when they have meetings. You can become an official member to a group by actively attending meetings for the clubs.
After going table to table, I decided that I wanted to be involved with WagCAB, which organizes and plans campus events, SAAS, the Society of Arts Administration Students, and SGA, the Student Government Association. To be involved with SGA I would have to apply, then run and be elected into a Freshman Senator position. As someone who loves making change and acting as a voice for other students I thought that being involved with SGA would be the perfect opportunity for me. It would also allow me to be involved in the Wagner community.
To run for SGA Senator, my first move was to make flyers! I knew I wanted them to be simplistic, yet informative. With the help of a friend, I came up with this slogan and design.
Another thing I did to campaign was speak with Freshman students all over campus, introduce myself, and let them know when they were able to vote. I wanted to make sure students were aware that this was going on and that they should vote for me.  🙂 All of my campaigning paid off and I was elected as a Freshman senator. I've already started attending meetings and I couldn't be more excited to start making a difference on campus!
So there you have it: A quick glimpse in how to get involved on campus! It really pays off to be involved because you get to make an immense amount of friends from a variety of different backgrounds!
See you next week!
Dillon Quinn