Masquerade Ball
You are formally invited to a behind-the-scenes look at the Theta Chi Masquerade Ball. Even though this was a very exclusive mixer the brothers had with the theatre and arts administration majors, I will give you some insight on it. The planning for this party began two weeks in advance, when the brothers got together to talk about how to carry out a party that would amaze the theatre majors. Halloween decorations were set up all over the Theta Chi floor, speakers were placed in every room, and the lounge was transformed into a dance hall.
Private invitations were sent to all the participants for the night. We were particularly careful to make this an exclusive event so Theta Chi and theatre majors could enjoy their time with each other. A few days before the event, you could feel the hype building up inside everyone. Excitement could be seen in every pair of eyes. The ball could not come any sooner, until the day finally came.

Cocktail dresses, high heels, formal suits, bow ties, glitter masks, spiked masks, face paint — the Masquerade Ball was a glamorous show. Every person that was invited to the party dressed to impress, and they all looked absolutely stunning. There were many creative masks, even some masks that were painted on faces.
The night began as soon as everyone got out of their respective rehearsals. The music started playing and we all danced the night away. Pop music, rap music, and even some Latin tunes were played. It did not matter what song was on; we all united and mixed so well with one another that it definitely was a ball.
One of the many great things about Wagner College is being able to socialize with different organizations, and have a great time with each. We might be a small community, but we are a strong one.