Lynn Tay

Meet Doug, a Fellow Hawk Talker!

Hi everyone!  For all new readers of the blog, my name is Lynn Tay, and I am a returning a Hawk Talk blogger.  I am excited to be back blogging again this year.  To the returning readers, I hope you keep up with Hawk Talk this year and look forward to all the new stories that we will be writing.
This morning was our first meeting as the new Hawk Talk team.  I had a wonderful time meeting my fellow bloggers, and I would like to introduce a fellow Hawk Talker that I will be working with closely this year!
Please meet... *drum roll please* Doug Donato!
Doug Donato
Doug is currently a senior here at Wagner College.  He is from Waterbury, Connecticut, a city on the eastern side of the state.  He chose to come to Wagner because it was one of the few schools that offered a degree in arts administration.  Before making his final decision to come Wagner three years ago, he came to tour the campus and meet some students.  He loved the atmosphere, as well as the location of the college, and decided that this was the place for him.
Other fun facts about Doug:  His favorite color is orange because it reminds him of his favorite season, which is autumn.  If he had a free day to himself, he would take the day to simply lounge around, read Game of Thrones, and play his harmonica.  One of his favorite vacations has been going to Cape Cod and staying with his uncle.  On his trip out to Cape Cod, he would go out and spend time on the beach and relax, while soaking up the ocean and beach scene.  During his time there, he would also go kayaking.
So that is Doug in a nutshell, and I am excited for all of you to get to know him even better throughout the year!  Check back again soon for another post about life here at Wagner.