Midterm De-Stressing: Tips told through Disney
It seems as if we have entered into the eighth week of school...
EIGHTH?! I can't believe two months have gone by, it's been more amazing than I could have ever dreamed... but it’s also time for midterms, stress, missing home... and the freshman 15 is gaining on all of us. No pun intended.
So I figured I’d look into some ways to de-stress for the mid-semester blues.
1. Intramural sports offers yoga!
Yoga has been scientifically proven again and again that it’s extremely beneficial for managing stress and gaining a more positive outlook on life. And just our luck- it’s offered at 6:30 p.m. on Sundays in the Union! If you’re a procrastinator like I am, you’ve also probably spent all day in the library finishing up your homework for your 9:40 on Monday-- it might be nice to unwind.
2. Call your mom.
Seriously, do it. Moms always know best and I can almost promise you pressing a few buttons will make you feel worlds better.
3. Adventure to the city.
Last weekend, I wandered into central park on a Saturday afternoon. If you haven’t been there yet- central park is massive. Theres a zoo, lakes, baseball fields, rocks to bask on. I walked through the park for about 40 minutes and witnessed two weddings, a quinceañera, a salsa dancing class, a man making 10 ft tall bubbles, and a roller skating dance party! Or it’s nice to lounge on a bench and people watch, almost anywhere in the park there’s live music to sit, listen, and revel in the chaotic beauty of it all.
4. Dance it out!
At least twice a week, me and my roomie will blast music and dance around the room for a little old fashioned letting loose (sorry girls in the room under us). Dancing boosts your endorphins, spikes up energy levels, and guarantee's some laughs. In ancient times, if someone was feeling down or depressed and went to a shaman, the first thing he would ask was: When was the last time you were dancing and singing?
5. Have a snack.
Or two, or three. Chocolate has been proven to release serotonin, the brain chemical that helps you feel relaxed. Staying healthy is important too though, especially at this time! Fresh fruits and veggies from the cafeteria will help keep you hydrated and energized for studying.
6. Take a nap.
Studies show college students are the most sleep-deprived group of people in the entire country, no shock there. Studying for midterms, Netflix binging, essay writing, and loud neighbors can definitely put a damper on your beauty sleep. Sleep deprivation, however, can be seriously damaging to your mental health, boosting up your likelihood to develop depression, anxiety, and irritability. The hype of the first few weeks of college is settling, so try to get at least 7 hours of sleep in every night, or take a mid day cat nap to re-energize!
So, there you have it! Those are my tips to having a stress-free few weeks when mid terms and finals roll around. Good luck to everyone on your tests and essays!