My Journey to The Wagner Plan
Hello Everyone!
It is a warm and sunny day by the bay here on Long Island. I think Spring is beginning to start 🙂 . I decided to use today and the relaxing ocean waves combined with a little John Legend to reflect. I decided to reflect on the journey that brought me to Wagner College!

It all started with an extensive search on To be honest, I really had no idea what I was doing. So many thoughts were running through my head. I didn't know whether I wanted a big or small school. Warm weather sounded amazing and the sound of studying biology on a beach was pitch perfect. I was set on going to Florida for school and that helped limit my location. Of course, Florida... duh. I found a school in Miami. I applied to Barry University and was accepted into the Medical Technology Program there. I had my mind set on going to this school but I knew that change didn't come very easy and since I was a first generation college student I knew that I needed to start off slow. Sooooooo, back on I went. This time my location was set to New York City. It was now February and the deadline to apply to most schools was quickly approaching.  At this point, I knew I wanted a small college and that didn't limit my choices very much. However, I came across Wagner College and I watched a video tour of the school. I fell in love with the campus just from the video and decided that it was time to apply to the college. I applied to Wagner a few days before the deadline.
I remember coming home from school one day to a green folder waiting on the table. I knew that this was the school for me. I scheduled a campus tour for a Saturday. I remember pulling up to Wagner and falling in love with everything. My tour guide, Bessa, was so sweet. She helped me solidify my decision. I was greeted by so many people that day that made my experience with Wagner so welcoming. The tour was over and it was time to go home. I went home, turned to my mom, and said, "this is it!" I submitted my deposit and Wagner was officially my new home!

Today, I am a proud seahawk. I am in the 5 years bachelors/masters program for microbiology. I am pursuing a minor in chemistry. I am involved on campus. I am part of the Bonner Leaders program, president for Wagner Cares, civic chairman for the Pre-Health Society, and a HawkTalk Blogger. I serve the Port Richmond community on Staten Island as a student teacher and tutor. The professors are amazing and the administration is so helpful. I fell in love with the campus community and made so many life long friends. I carved out my Wagner Plan, and although I have a few years left I am pleased with my journey so far. I AM a proud student of Wagner. What is your journey?