Presenting the Bonner Leader Program!
Folks, Cameron has got a deep and dark secret that he thinks you should all know about.
"Let me guess, you use three different Netflix accounts but you only own one and haven't told your uncle that you've been constantly changing his instant movie queue for the past 2 years?"
Um ... no ... maybe.
Alright, forget about dark secrets. I summoned you here today to reveal one of Wagner's lesser-known but very magical programs. This, of course, would be the legendary Bonner Leader Program!
That's right. Perhaps you've heard of it once of twice, or maybe you even know someone who's in the program. Maybe someone like your humble blogger himself. Yes, I am indeed a freshman Bonner Leader. And just like you, I was once somewhat puzzled as to what this title meant. Well, allow me to elaborate.
The Bonner Leader Program is a civic engagement group full of students involved in public service work, directly making an impact on the campus and within the community.
Each "Bonner" in the program attends frequent reflective seminars and completes 150 hours or more of community service each semester. The Bonner Leader Program, like the Bonner Scholars Program, is a nationally recognized program that works with college kids across the country to help them become active participants in society.

You may be thinking that this is a bit overwhelming. And yes, maybe it is a bit much for someone to be a part of, considering all the school work one already has to deal with. But what's significant is that the Bonner Leader Program highlights the core values of what it means to make a difference in the community or within an even larger cultural context.
Oftentimes we find ourselves complaining about the multiple issues plaguing our lives every day, whether we're dealing with processed food or police brutality.
But the only way to see some sort of change in these issues is when people reflect on how they can fix them. And whaddya know but Wagner College has brought together these harbingers of change to form the Bonner Leader Program. (If it sounds like we're some kind of superhuman group, it's because we are.)

Cameron can't be more proud to be part of this group, and he can't wait to see how he and his fellow Bonners will progress in the future and become flourishing civic leaders. But where would leaders be without other leaders to lead them onto the path to leadership?
I couldn't mention the Bonner Leader Program without including the great people who have helped make this program what it is today.
These wonderful beings would be senior Bonners Leo Shuchert and Rachael Walker, Bonner administrators/coordinators Kevin Farrell and Arlette Cepeda, and of course our program director, Samantha Siegel. We owe these people our lives for all they have done for us.
Okay, maybe not our lives, but lots and lots of gratitude.
More than anything, the Bonner Leader Program is a family and a fun group of people that has significantly helped me transition into my life here at Wagner. If I were to give any advice, it would be to make the most out of your time here on campus and become part of something bigger than yourself, whether it's the Wagner basketball team, SGA or even the Bonner Leader Program. Because you'll never feel at home until you find that place where you really belong.
And I'm glad to know I've found my place in the Bonner Leader Program.