She’ll sing to the moon and back: An interview of HawkTalk Blogger Carrie Holt
Carrie Holt is a senior here at Wagner College who hails from Fort Mill, South Carolina, which is just outside Charlotte, NC. She’s a physics major with an interest in astrophysics. Enough of you reading my write up on her — check out the interview!
Mark: "What brought you to Wagner from the South?"
Carrie: "Its funny, cause I knew I wanted to leave. Everyone else from my high school stayed in the south and only one of my friends from high school, who goes to Fordham, left the south and we are now known as the “New Yorkers.” But the main reasons were that I wanted to be in a smaller school. I don’t want to be in a class with 300 people and I want to know other people's names and for them to know my name. I originally wanted to do theater-esque things so obviously, New York. But I wanted a campus that is still close to the city but not in the city, and that’s Wagner. I also enjoy the activities and sense of spirit on campus."
Mark: "So you’re very spirit oriented?"
Carrie: "I would say so."
Mark: "So what activities do you participate in on campus?"
Carrie: "RA, Vocal Synergy, which is an a cappella group but we just call it Vocal Synergy, and choir. I love singing basically."
Mark: "How’d you end up going from theater to astrophysics?"
Carrie: "I took an astronomy class with Kozak and it really sparked my interest. It’s also really nice that it’s a small program so I have the opportunity to do things on my own. It’s funny too cause I took a cooking class at Wagner and my research topic for an assignment was the history of space food."
In fact, this led Carrie to be the first student at Wagner College to take an internship with NASA in Washington, D.C. working on research regarding gamma ray bursts and other topics pertaining to cosmology; the study of the universe.
Mark: "What does family mean to you?"
Carrie: "Family to me means a group of people you feel a part of in a way — in a give and take way. I love, love, love my family at home but college puts you in a place where you can see "family" in a whole new light. You live with these people, go to class with them, and eat all your meals with them… so much time spent with your friends. There’s no other time you can do that."
Mark: "Alright, now some fun questions… favorite snack?"
Carrie: "Anything chocolate and peanut butter…Or chips and salsa."
Mark: "Do you like Mexican food?"
Carrie: "I do!"
Mark: "Do you have a lot of Mexican in the south?"
Carrie: "Not like Mexican food in California! I really want to go though and try it."
Mark: "Hawks or downstairs for meals?"
Carrie: "Downstairs. When I need to make something, concoct more options and feel kind of well balanced, it's always downstairs."
Mark: "Favorite movie in the last year?"
Carrie: "I actually just saw “Pulp Fiction” for the first time last month. Everyone’s always talked about it. Finally sat down and watched it and I loved it!"
Mark: "Have you seen other Tarantino movies?"
Carrie: "Inglorious Bastards of course… Django, not yet."
Mark: "Favorite part of campus?"
Carrie: "Oval… obviously. I love being outside. I hate being cold though, so there’s a limited amount of time that I can be outside, but I find myself out there as much as possible."
You can look forward to more blogs from Carrie in the near future! Also, don’t forget to say hello to her on campus!