Sleep is NOT for the Weak
Ok, so week three of classes is starting and I already feel like an extra on the set of The Walking Dead. As I'm sure everyone has heard, sleep is essential to having a healthy and successful college career. How am I supposed to manage being swamped with school and extracurriculars, having a social life, and sleeping?
As Meg might say,
Most people that I've talked to have similar issues organizing their time so I thought I would put my 2 cents in.
- DON'T (and I know from experience) JOIN EVERY SINGLE CLUB. Getting involved is great but even I am spread thin and I'm only involved in five things
- Procrastination is the enemy. Sure, you can do it later, but wait! All your friends are going out so you put it off again, then you're up writing a paper until 4:30 in the laundry room while putting your clothes in the dryer for the third time because magically they are still damp. Yay.
That's literally my 2 cents, take it or leave it. Here is a lovely picture of me not heeding my own advice!
[Note from the Editor: Ryan overslept and missed our last HawkTalk Meeting getting his much needed beauty sleep]