The 10 Stages of Pre-Thanksgiving Feels
It's that time of year everyone! The most beautiful holiday of the year if you're a foodie (like me!) Bring it on; sweet potatoes, turkey, squash, and every type of pie you can possibly think of. Thanksgiving in college is a bit different... It's not just one day that you go to some relative's house, and stuff your face until you're not-so-secretly unbuttoning your jeans. Instead it's an entire break that you get to finally go home. And for many, it's their first time since orientation. So, here are the 10 stages that lead up to the glorious day...
I really don't mind Dining Hall food whatsoever, in fact the chicken parm is maybe one of my favorite things ever... But seriously, nothings beats my aunts honey-glazed ham meatballs.
2. Why do I have 3 papers, 5 tests, 11 worksheets, and 2 annotated bibliographies the day before break starts.
Seriously profs?! All I can think about right now is pumpkin pie!
3. I have to (get to?) see all my friends from high school for the first time in months...
No, freshman 15 hasn't hit you at all!
4. Wait I'm actually going to miss everyone here.
What do you mean all my best friends aren't going to be literally across the hall from me every second??
5. I might actually miss my dorm bed.
And that view, I dread the day I don't get to wake up to the sight of the Manhattan skyline.
It's a whole new world.
7. I just realized I need to pack and I don't have a single piece of luggage here.
Does Amazon do the 1 hour delivery here?
Ok, garbage bag I stole from the 7th floor bathroom here we come.
8. I handed in all my stuff!
...And finals start the week we come back. *Insert crying emoji here*
9. The first goodbye to college friends.
A preparation of many before the big winter and summer breaks.
10. Food, Family, Friends.
Gotta love the Holidays, am I right?