The First Week of College (Told Through Reality TV!)
You arrive on move-in day, ready to take the college world by storm!
You look, feel, and are genuinely great.
The first thing you do is check out your dorm
and meet your roommate.
After moving in, it's time to say goodbye to your family.
Some people will be ready for them to go.
Others will be very upset.
But it's okay! You're going to meet a lot of new people!
An instant connection will be made with some,
and others, not.
When you go to the first days of classes, always save your syllabus in a safe place!
After a long first week of classes, you're ready to go out!
It can either go really well,
or, really bad.
Regardless, you'll have a great time.
Just Remember!
Here is some information to carry with you through the rest of the semester.
You're going to meet your BFFL.
You're going to change your eating habits.
You and your roommate may get into a small tiff,
but you'll work it out.
Remember, college is a time a time to try new hobbies!
Take advantage of your weekends!
Have fun!
Try new things, take advantage of every opportunity, and find out more about who you are!
Until next time,