Under the Lights
You would think that after 3 years of college, I would have had a true Wagner football experience by now. Thanks to the lovely student athlete life (which despite my sarcasm, I really do love), that wasn’t true until this past Saturday.
Thanks to some new stadium lighting, the home opener was at night. Which meant I got to enjoy watching Wagner football crush Alderson Broaddus, 26-0!
The day started out with a Rally hosted by ResEd out on the oval, with lawn games and free Moe’s chips and salsa. If anyone reading this knows me, there aren’t many things I like more than oval days and Mexican food. I was a very happy college kid. My partner and I kicked some serious butt playing frisbee KanJam.
Around 4:30, I headed over to the stadium parking lot to meet up with a bunch of other students at a tailgate. There were burgers, music, and a good time all around. A bunch of the fraternities, sororities, and sports teams were intermingling and getting pumped up for the game.

Kick off was at 6 and it was a really good turn out! There was some extra excitement fueled by our new marching band, the dance team, and the cheerleaders. It was pretty clear by the end of the first half that our Seahawks were looking strong, and thankfully they kept it up throughout the whole game.
This weekend was definitely one of my favorites so far this semester. Forgive me for the sappy senior moment I'm about to have, but it's crazy to think that this is my last Fall at Wagner... So many "lasts" and my heart breaks a little bit each time I hit another. My time here has gone so fast and I'm trying to take advantage of every second!