Wagner’s Amazing Performers Part 2
Having covered the student productions of plays and musical theatre on my last blog, it is time to cover the main productions at Wagner: Stage One and Main Stage productions. These two are the most professional out of all the theatre-related productions at Wagner College, since they are run by faculty members. Having professionals running the shows makes the performances enjoyable and addicting.

Plays and other intimate performances are shown on Stage One. Titles include Catholic School Girls, Lysistrata, Spring Awakening, and the winner of the 2012 Stanley Drama Award, The Perfect Wife. Although these are not musicals, there is great entertainment in each. The first show I ever saw at Stage One was Catholic School Girls. This show blew me away completely. All the actresses in it were hilarious and knew how to deliver a good performance. This show is perhaps the most memorable of all the Stage One shows I have seen. The next show I saw was Lysistrata, which was really funny too and the costumes were great. Stage One took a dark turn when producing the original version of Spring Awakening. The dark and twisted play demonstrated that they have no fear about what they put up on that stage. After many laughs on that stage, it was time for a few mouth-drops, and Spring Awakening did the job. The most recent play I saw was The Perfect Wife, in a staged reading performed by faculty members and other Staten Island actors. Being my first time attending a staged reading, I did not know what to expect. I was blown away by their ability to bring the play to life. Currently playing at Stage One is The School for Lies. I have yet to see that play, but I am sure it will only add on to Wagner's amazing list of performances.
The highest level of musical performances take place on the Main Stage. Every single person looks forward to all of the Main Stage shows, they are just that good. The choreography, the staging, the costumes, the singing, and the talent is just perfect on these musicals. Some of their titles include Jesus Christ Superstar, Urinetown, Goddess Wheel, Putting It Together, and Legally Blonde. There is no doubt that Wagner knows how to make a good performance — I have been mesmerized by all of these shows. From the list mentioned, the show that is currently playing is Legally Blonde, and it is by far my favorite show I have seen by Wagner. Everything about that show was amazing. There really are no words to describe the greatness of the musical. Next semester, Main Stage kicks off the spring with the production of Rent. The hype being built around this play is amazing. Everyone is speculating who will be just right for which part, but whoever they pick for the roles, I am pretty sure, will be just perfect. If there is one thing to look forward to next semester, it will be Rent.

And on that note I end my blog posts for this semester. I hope I entertained all of you with my words and stories. I wish everyone happy holidays and a happy new year, see you next semester!