
You’re Not Lonely: Five Valentine’s Alternatives

So it is February and as you look at the calendar you realize Valentine’s Day is fast approaching. Now while you realize that Valentine’s Day is a capitalist holiday used to exploit consumers, you cannot help but feel lonely on this day where so many couples celebrate each other. While that is acceptable and great, not having a significant other or partner does not make you lonely. There are plenty of people in your life who you love and here is an example of some that you can spend the day with instead. 


 1. Your Mom 

Every day is a good day to appreciate your mom but Valentine’s Day is an excuse to spend time with her, get her Valentine and show her how much you love her. Think about why you are grateful for her and tell her. Valentine’s Day is not just a day for couples but a day for spreading love.

2. Your best friend 

Your best friend is somebody who is always there for you. Valentine’s Day is a day you can be there for each other. Have a pal-entine’s day and do something together. Go to the movies and get each other little gifts to show how much you care!


3. Your class 

I know. This sounds like a weird one but Valentine’s Day is on a Friday. Remember when you were in elementary school and everybody brought cards and candy for the whole class? I don’t see why you cannot do that now that you’re older. It is fun and that way everybody has a Valentine. 

4. Your pet 

Your pet is there for you when you are having a mental breakdown in your room so your pet can also be there for you on Valentine’s Day. Maybe binge-watch your favorite show on Netflix with your pet. They will keep you company and cuddle with you! 



5. Yourself

Maybe, if you do not want to be around people and couples that can sometimes admittedly be obnoxious on Valentine’s Day, take a self-care day. No day is not a good day to pamper and love yourself. 

Valentine’s Day is here, so remember that the day is not being with a significant other, but instead showing love to the ones around you.