
History Class of 2012


What can I do with a Major in History?

Public and private sector jobs in research and interpretation are great opportunities for Wagner College History majors. Students interested in careers in law, journalism, creative or scientific writing, or librarianship can prepare at the undergraduate level by majoring in history. Many federal, state and local governments draw on historical data banks to analyze the impact of past policies as a basis for new legislation. Business executives to take initiative in public relations by examining their corporate history, developing museums and related outreach activities.


Essays on History and Careers

Catherine Lavender, "What Can I Do with a History Major?" (Since "only a small percentage of history majors go on to be historians," this page outlines the skills history majors develop and the career paths they follow.)

Robert Pace, "I would like to major in history, but . . . What Can I Do When I Graduate?" (friendly advise from a history professor who had a difficult time choosing a major when he was a student)


Putting Your History Degree to Work