Noted journalist and filmmaker Marisa Fox-Bevilacqua, second generation survivor, is imploring American Jewry to help prevent the mass slaughter of innocent Afghanis in the wake of the U.S. withdrawl of troops. Fox-Bevilacqua's mother, born in Sosniewiec, was deported to a forced labor camp in the Sudentenland at the age of 14.In a powerful editorial published in The Forward today, she wrote: "We must harness Holocaust memory to mobilize international pressure to rescue those trapped in Afghanistan. We cannot let them meet the same fate as our ancestors who were brutally murdered while an uncaring world looked the other way." Detailing the tragedies that befell her own family, Fox-Bevilacqua writes: "If we can’t deploy our legacy as American Jews in the short time before the mass killings start, then what does 'Never Again' actually mean?" Read her editorial here: