The Office of Human Resources
The Wagner College Office of Human Resources partners with all members of the College community to cultivate a work environment that values equal opportunity, diversity, professional development and individual excellence. Through sound policies and practices, we will balance the needs of the employees and the needs of the college while ensuring compliance with federal and state laws. We support the College’s mission of education and service by serving as resources and advisors to faculty, administration, staff and students in all aspects of employment.
The Office of Human Resources is also committed to promoting an environment that retains the full trust and confidence of the faculty, staff, students and College community. HR staff pledge to promote a respectful workplace and honor the rights of faculty and staff of the College.
In our daily work we are in the unique and responsible position of having access to and being aware of an array of highly sensitive personal, medical and workplace information. This information comes to us directly from individuals or third parties associated with them and their work. Information we have received of a personal nature will be disclosed to other parties or colleagues only when it is legally required or essential to the operation of the College, and then on a strict need-to-know basis.
HR endorses the following statements and principles of confidentiality:
- Conduct of HR staff shall be guided by integrity, discretion and dignity, and they shall expect and encourage such conduct by others.
- Personal information or information which an individual requests be kept confidential and private will not be released unless there is compelling legal or operational reasons for its release.
- When individuals ask for assistance with given matters, we will first inform them before sharing their name or information about them with others.
- Personal information about staff, faculty or any member of the University community including information in databases and hard copy files shall be kept secured and shall not be readily accessible to others.
- Discussion of a faculty or staff member’s personal information will be conducted only when necessary and appropriate with other staff, and only on a strict need-to-know basis, and in utmost privacy.
Employees of HR are required to agree to and abide by these guidelines as a condition of employment.
The Office of Human Resources, located on the second floor of the Union Building Room 221 above the Dining Hall, is open Monday through Friday from 8:30am to 4:30pm. Our main telephone number is (718)390-3187 and our fax number is (718)420-4146. Our Map & Directions page provides driving and public transportation directions to our campus.