Affordable Health Care Act and Adjunct Faculty

The Affordable Care Act and How It Affects You

To All Adjunct Faculty,

Wagner College, in accordance with the Affordable Care Act will begin offering medical coverage to variable hour employees who meet the eligibility criteria beginning January 2015.

Adjunct faculty who work an average of 30 service hours or more per week over the Fall 2014 Academic semester (the measurement period) will be offered access to the College’s medical insurance for the 2015 calendar year. The Adjunct Faculty may decline or waive the coverage at that time.

Because the law determines eligibility based on hours worked, we have established new policies to quantify work time for Adjunct Faculty, to ensure that those eligible are offered medical insurance.

After review of the guidance provided by the U.S. Department of the Treasury and the IRS, the College has decided to adopt the method whereby an adjunct faculty member is credited with 2.25 hours of service per week for each hour of teaching or classroom time (representing a combination of teaching or classroom time and time performing related tasks such as class preparation and grading of examinations or papers). Additionally, an hour of service per week will be credited for each additional hour outside of the classroom that the Adjunct Faculty spends performing duties that he or she is required to perform, such as required office hours or required attendance at faculty meetings.

To simplify, the conversion is as follows:

Where one undergraduate course = 1 unit = 3.33 credit hours = 7.5 service hours

Where one undergraduate course = ½ unit = 1.67 credit hours = 3.75 service hours

Where one undergraduate course = 0 unit then each clock hour = 2.25 service hours

Where one graduate course = 3 credit hours = 6.75 service hours


If you meet the criteria for medical coverage during the measurement period, you will be notified that you are eligible to enroll in medical coverage for the College’s open enrollment.