- Bereavement Leave
- Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
- Holidays
- Holy Days
You are entitled to up to three (3) workdays of leave upon the death of immediate family members, as defined below. These workdays must be successive but may be interrupted by a weekend, holiday, or day off. The period of time off must encompass the day of the funeral.
For purposes of administering this policy, your “immediate family” includes one of the following current relationships: spouse, children, parents, brothers, sisters, grandparents, and grandchildren of yours or your spouse.
Up to one day may be granted for the purpose of attending a funeral of family members other than those classified as “immediate family”.
Should additional time off in excess of the time provided for in this policy be necessary, you may take benefit time (vacation, sick, personal) if available. Such request should be coordinated with your supervisor.
Wagner College will grant up to twelve (12) weeks of unpaid leave per year to employees who have completed at least twelve (12) months of service and have worked at least 1,250 hours, in the last 12 months, to qualify for this leave without pay.
As is permitted by law, Wagner College’s policy that you must exhaust all available paid leave – including, without limitation, accrued vacation, personal and sick days – as part of your FMLA leave. After such paid leave has been exhausted any remaining FMLA leave shall be unpaid.
Leave may be taken for the following reasons:
- To care for your child in connection with the birth, adoption or foster care placement.
- To care for your spouse, child or parent who has a serious health condition.
- For your own serious health condition that makes you unable to perform your job.
- the date the condition commenced
- probable duration of the condition
- appropriate medical facts regarding the condition
- statement that you are needed to provide care for the family member and the amount of time that you will be needed to provide care.
- statement that you are unable to perform the essential functions of your job and an estimate of the duration of the condition that prevents you from working, when appropriate.
Wagner College normally observes the following official holidays:
- New Year’s Day
- Martin Luther King Day
- Presidents’ Day
- Good Friday
- Memorial Day
- Independence Day
- Labor Day
- Columbus Day
- Thanksgiving (Thursday and Friday)
- Christmas Day
It is important for supervisors to be sensitive to individual employee’s religious obligations regarding holiday observances.
- Jury Duty
- Leave Without Pay
- Maternity Leave
- Military Leave
- Personal Time
- Sick Leave
- Vacation
Jury Duty leave with pay shall be approved immediately upon your submitting to your department head an authentic summons, subpoena, or notice for such duty upon receipt of such notice. Pay for each day of jury duty will be made at your current rate of pay for a regularly scheduled workday. This pay will be made for the entire period of jury duty served.
If you are on jury duty and are scheduled for work on night shifts the same workday shall be protected from loss of pay for the entire 24-hour period. If you are subpoenaed to appear in court as a witness you will not suffer loss of pay for performing any such duty. Proof of appearance as a witness or proof of jury duty service must be presented to the Human Resources Office upon return to work.
A leave of absence, which may be granted by the College at its sole discretion, is a formally authorized period away from employment. A department supervisor with the approval of the Human Resources Office may grant you a leave of absence without salary for a period of up to six (6) months.
A leave of absence generally will be for the purpose of study, travel, or otherwise engaging in professional growth or development. To be eligible, you must have completed at least one year of continuous employment prior to the beginning of the leave.
If you wish to take a leave of absence you should inform the College’s Human Resources Office in writing as far in advance as possible, normally at least one month prior to the start of the working leave. The request must state the reason for the leave and the expected duration. The following will be taken into account when the College considers whether or not to approve your request for leave of absence: your workload, past performance, attendance record, length of service, reason for leave, and recommendation of your supervisor. You will be notified in writing if the leave has been granted.
If you are on an approved leave of absence without pay you may continue coverage of health insurance benefits by requesting continuation of benefits under COBRA (see section on COBRA). The College will make no contribution to the pension plan on your behalf, as this benefit is a function of salary earned. Disability insurance coverage will not continue during your leave, nor will vacation or sick leave benefits be accrued.
Failure to return at the end of an approved leave of absence constitutes job abandonment and will result in termination.
Periods of disability related to pregnancy and/or childbirth are treated like any other disability. Generally, if you give birth without complications you would be eligible for six weeks of paid disability leave with benefits under New York State’s Short-term Disability.
Once you notify the College of your pregnancy, we will request an indication of when you expect to go on disability in order to plan staffing during your leave. You would need to complete both the Short-term Disability and the FMLA leave forms. Should medical complications arise before or after the birth, you would be eligible for additional paid disability leave under the Short-term Disability Policy for reasons of medical necessity as determined by a medical physician, not to exceed six consecutive months. For the purpose of both Short-term Disability and the FMLA, in determining disability due to pregnancy and/or childbirth, your doctor’s medical opinion will govern the length of your covered leave, before and after delivery.
If you are a Faculty member who anticipates disability due to pregnancy, you should promptly notify the Provost and Department Chair of the anticipated disability date and consult with them to work out a plan for covering courses during the affected semester. If you are an Administrators or Staff you should notify your immediate supervisor. All employees need to contact the Office of Human Resources in order to obtain the necessary Short-term Disability and FMLA forms.
Should you opt to use the childcare leave benefits of the Family Medical Leave Act after your paid six weeks of Short-term Disability, you could be out for an additional six weeks. Whether you receive any compensation for those additional six weeks, depends on whether or not you have accumulated accrued time benefits (vacation, sick, personal days) available. Since the FMLA leave and Short-term Disability Leave run concurrently, you would be expected to return to work no later than 12 weeks after the birth of your child.
As a Faculty member, you would be expected to return and carry out administrative duties if returning to the classroom is not considered advisable.
The College observes all federal and state laws regulating absence from work for military service. An unpaid leave of absence is granted to any employee fulfilling reserve training, National Guard duties, or active duty service requirements.
If at all possible, absences should be planned to avoid interruption in regular work schedules or duties. You must present a copy of your military orders to the Human Resources Office as soon as possible after call-up.
The leave is granted without pay, although you may draw upon benefit time to cover the period of absence. An approved absence without pay not longer than two (2) weeks is granted without interruption of benefits. If an unpaid absence is longer than two (2) weeks, then the policy on leave without pay governs eligibility for and payment of benefits.
All requests for military leaves of absence should be directed to the Office of Human Resources.
As an exempt or non-exempt full time employee on a 12-month appointment, you are entitled to three (3) personal days per calendar. These are accrued at the rate of one (1) personal day for every four months worked.
Administrative exempt employees on a 9-month or 10 month appointment will be entitled to two (2) personal days per calendar year.
The rules governing use of personal days for all categories are as follows:
- The days must be used during the calendar year and may not be carried over. Unused days will expire on December 31 of each year.
- An employee may not be paid for unused days under any circumstance.
- The days may be used for any purpose and must be scheduled in advance with your immediate supervisor, subject to the next provision.
- In case of an emergency and a day off is necessary, a personal day may be used.
Sick leave is a form of insurance provided to ensure continuation of salary payments in the event of your absence due to illness. As a full-time administrative personnel you receive 4 weeks (20 working days) of annual paid sick leave. Unused sick leave may be carried forward from year-to-year. Maximum accrual of unused sick leave is sixty (60) working days. As a new administrator you can begin accruing sick leave, after three months of continuous employment, at the rate of 1.66 days per month. Any use of sick leave is subject to medical proof of justification for sick leave. Use of sick leave for purposes other than medical disability is an offense subject to disciplinary action including termination. Unused accumulated sick leave is at no time convertible to paid time and will not be paid upon termination (i.e. resignation, termination or retirement) of employment.
As a full-time staff employee you accrue sick leave at the rate of one (1) day per month. If your effective date of hire is after the 15th day of the month you will not start accruing sick time until the following month. Unused sick leave may be carried forward from year-to-year. Maximum accrual of unused sick leave is sixty (60) working days. If you are carrying over sixty (60) days you will receive twelve (12) days at the beginning of the year. If you do not use any or all of the twelve days, you will be allowed to carry over no more than sixty for the following year.
If you are unable to report to work due to illness you must notify your immediate supervisor or department head at the earliest practicable time. An estimate of how long you expect to be absent should also be provided. Your immediate supervisor or department head may request a certification of illness or disability from your physician after the third consecutive work day of absence, and upon return to work. The College, at its discretion, will grant sick leave in advance of its being earned if such request is submitted to the Office of Human Resources. It is understood that should your employment with the College terminate, sick leave taken in excess of that earned will be deducted from your final pay check.
If you are out sick more than seven days you are required to apply for New York State Disability Benefits. Any and all accrued time will be counted towards the sick leave.
If you are absent and on New York State Disability, you may be replaced at any time if the work of the department requires that your position be filled. The replacement will be temporary for a period not to exceed six (6) months. At the end of the sixth month period, if you have not returned to work, a permanent replacement will be sought.
Revised October 2018
Wagner College provides liberal paid vacation time for its employees. Vacation leave is accrued over the calendar year, and any unused leave may not be carried over into the next calendar year.
As full-time administrative personnel you earn and accrue 4 weeks of vacation per calendar year.
As a full-time staff employee you earn and accrue your vacation time as follows:
- During the first (1st) through fifth (5th) year of continuous employment, you will accrue one (1) day per month of employment not to exceed ten (10) working days per year.
- During the sixth (6th) through tenth (10th) year of continuous employment you will accrue one and one half (1 & 1/2) days per month not to exceed 15 working days per year.
- During the eleventh (11th) and all future years of continuous employment you will accrue two (2) days per month not to exceed twenty (20) days per year.