The College expects that following basic standards of conduct will promote a high quality work environment and ensure responsible behavior. You must, at a minimum, perform adequately in the job, follow the rules established by your department or supervisor, follow the policies of the College and the law, act with honesty and integrity, and respect the rights of others in the work environment. Any discipline that is imposed is intended to correct or modify your conduct, to deter such conduct on the part of others, and to protect the rights of the College and everyone working at, or associated with, the College. The supervisor should notify you if your job performance is inadequate, explaining the job requirements, the deficiencies, and the expectations for improvement. Also, any act that interferes with the rights or proper interests of the College or its faculty, staff, or students may subject you to disciplinary action.
Discipline may take the form of verbal or written warnings, suspension with or without pay, or termination of employment. You may also be suspended with or without pay during any investigation of possible misconduct. All disciplinary action is administered with consideration given to the seriousness and frequency of the offense, your past record (including work history and earlier disciplinary record), and the circumstances surrounding the particular case. Because of the individual nature of each situation, the College reserves the right to impose discipline appropriate to the circumstances up to and including dismissal.
Faculty member should refer to the Faculty Handbook.