Education Abroad FAQ

Complete the Wagner College Application for Education Abroad and submit it to the Center for Intercultural Advancement BEFORE the deadline. This form must be signed by your faculty advisor releasing you for the education abroad program before you submit it.

You must have a cumulative 3.0 GPA and file your application within the semester’s deadline. You must not be on academic or disciplinary probation. You must also submit a Transfer of Credit Form listing your course selections and their descriptions. This form must be signed by your faculty advisor and the Center for Intercultural Advancement Director, Ellen Navarro.

Consult your faculty advisor (just as you would for advice on semester registration) to see what courses remain outstanding in your Wagner Plan. The Director of the Center for Intercultural Advancement may be consulted for advisement on course descriptions specific to your program. This information may be acquired online through your program of choice’s website.

After your Wagner application is approved, you must apply directly to the program either by online or hard copy application as outlined on their website or by the program representative. Further information will be provided by the Center for Intercultural Advancement.

Most students go for education abroad for one semester. However, you can go abroad for a maximum of two semesters. If you cannot devote a semester for education abroad, we also offer short term trips such as EYH & various summer programs.

Please visit the Center for Disease Control’s website for the most updated and accurate information on recommended and required vaccinations for travel abroad.

Wagner College has developed Education Abroad Emergency Procedures that detail how you should respond and how the College will respond in the event of an emergency.

Wagner College takes all incidents seriously and has a responsibility to address any form of sexual misconduct that is reported. A student who experiences or becomes aware of an issue that could be considered sexual assault or sexual harassment while away from the Wagner campus should contact the Dean of Campus Life Office at 718-390-3423.

You should also contact an administrator or faculty member who is on-site at your education abroad or education away location, and we strongly recommend contacting local authorities as well. Please remember that any incident of sexual misconduct that occurs off campus can still be addressed by the College as long as Wagner College students are involved, and if the incident has an adverse impact upon the College community. Please visit the College’s Title IX website for detailed information about our policy, response, and resources.

Of course. Check the Education Abroad Scholarships section in the Applications and Forms page.

Please have a careful look at this checklist before you travel.


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