Health and Safety


Since its outbreak in March 2020, COVID-19 has been the major health concern for all governments and state officials across the world. The situation in the US is no different. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is continuously updating its information to show the latest governmental actions regarding COVID-19 spread. More information about COVID-19 vaccines, abroad travel safety, and more can be found on the CDC website.

For the latest COVID-19 updates at Wagner College, please visit COVID-19 Updates.

Health Record

New York State and Wagner College require that all students taking 2 or more units (6 credits) in a degree-granting institution must provide proof of immunity to measles, mumps and rubella and acknowledge receipt of information regarding the disease meningitis or provide proof of meningitis vaccine.

If you are not in full compliance, New York State requires that the College exclude you from attending classes 30 days after the first day of class for New York State residents and 45 days after the first day of class for out-of-state and international students.

Prior to enrollment at Wagner College, all students must submit a complete medical history, immunization record and physical examination signed and stamped by their physician. This is the foundation of each student’s medical record for the next four years.

Transfer students’ health records from previously attended colleges are acceptable.

Failure to submit the required forms will result in a delay of registration.

You can learn more about the health forms required from students by visiting the Health Record Page.

                                 HOMESICKNESS RESOURCES
What is homesickness?

Homesickness is a feeling of malaise or distress that occurs when one is preoccupied with a home that has been left. It is often felt as grieving a loss and typically experienced simultaneously with culture shock.  A homesick person might idealize her own home or culture and feel uncomfortable or resist her new surroundings.

Who experiences homesickness? 

Almost everyone experiences homesickness at some point after a massive life change, no matter how old they are or where they are from.  Some people experience a serious and prolonged bout of homesickness. Others only experience a short burst of homesickness at the beginning of a transition. Still, others experience occasional days or weeks of homesickness, especially around holidays or meaningful family events that they are unable to attend.

What are the Symptoms or effects of homesickness?

Homesickness comes in many different forms and can be accompanied by destructive or negative behaviors and changes in mood.  These behaviors can include:

  • Skipping class
  • Being uncharacteristically quiet
  • Being less focused/motivated
  • Unhappiness
  • Fatigue
  • Withdrawing from the new environment
  • Depression/anxiety symptoms
  • Alcohol/drug abuse
  • Uncontrolled shopping sprees
  • Other high-risk activities
How can you combat homesickness?
Managing homesickness is not about cutting off your previous life and participating in your current environment exclusively.  Many people who experience homesickness find it beneficial to involve friends and family “back home” in their new lives at Wagner College.  Some things people find helpful to combat homesickness include to:
  • Recognize that your feelings are real and valid. Adjusting to a new place is very hard.
  • Keep in touch with friends and family “back home” through calls, emails, text messages, and traditional mail, etc. Focus on the positive.
  • Send loved ones pictures of your new home/room/campus
  • Don’t assume you are the only one feeling homesick! Talk to others about your feelings.
  • Get involved! Find groups of people (cultural organizations, interest groups, etc) related to your home, or start your own.
  • Remind yourself why you wanted to come to New York in the first place
  • Keep a journal
  • Be realistic about your expectations of campus and the student experience
  • Compile a book of home/family recipes, and share them with your new friends
  • Be open-minded; throw away pre-conceived notions about your new environment
  • Exercise/go for walks in your new neighborhood; explore!
  • Establish a routine in your new life
  • Don’t feel guilty about enjoying your new environment or feel like you are “forgetting” your friends and family ‘back home’
  • Stay active and healthy: eat well and try to get enough sleep
  • Make a list of positive things about being away from home (e.g. having more freedom, being in a big city, etc.)
  • Study with others
  • Seek out help when you need it


  • Swallow, Deborah. “The Classic 5 Stage Culture Shock Model.” . Web. Originally published May 15, 2010. University of Chicago Office of Health Promotion and Wellness
Where can you find help?
Counseling Service

The Student Counseling Service provides mental health care service registered Wagner College students. Services include, a psychologist, a psychiatrist, three counselors and a nurse practitioner are available during fall and spring semesters – Monday through Friday.  Appointments are made through the Center for Health and Wellness office by calling (718) 390-3158/Campus Hall.

Psychologist: Sharon Kiuhara, Psy.D. – Director
Hours: Monday and Wednesday 8:15am to 3:15pm; Friday 11:15am to 1:15pm

Psychiatrist: Amarjit Kaur, M.D.
Hours: Tuesday 5:30pm to 9:30pm, Wednesday 6:30pm to 8:30pm

Counselor: Judith Lessing, R.N., N.P.P.
Hours: Tuesday 12:00pm to 6:00pm

Counselor: Vanessa Rail, L.M.H.C.
Hours: Thursday and Friday 9:30am to 5:30pm

Center for Health and Wellness

The Center for Health and Wellness empowers students to navigate healthy lifestyle choices that foster academic achievement, holistic health, personal discovery, and lifelong excellence. They host a variety of informative events, workshops, ongoing programs, and groups to encourage health on campus.

  • Dr. Kathleen Oberfeldt – Assistant Dean
  • Dorothy Gunasingher – Office Manager
  • 718-390-3158/Campus Hall

Center for Religion and Spirituality

The Center for Religion and Spirituality serves as the hub for spiritual life at Wagner College, offering diverse religious events and prayer space on a daily basis, as well as interfaith gathering.


As of August 17, the “Key to NYC” policy has been put into effect. People who are 12-years-old or older must show proof of vaccination to be able to enjoy indoor activities, such as restaurants and fitness centers.

If you are not yet fully vaccinated: to know where to get vaccinated, visit the CDC-vaccines page.

If you are fully vaccinated: a person is considered fully vaccinated after two weeks of finishing the full course of vaccine they have taken. For example, if you have taken Pfizer or Moderna, you are considered to be fully vaccinated after two weeks of the second shot. To learn more about what you can do as a fully vaccinated individual, please visit this CDC page.

Even if you are fully vaccinated, you should get tested if you:

  • show symptoms of COVID-19.
  • have close contact with someone who has recently tested positive.

To find a testing site, please visit this CDC page.


As an international student in the US, you should pay caution to the various types of scams that you may, unfortunately, be faced with. Below are some of these types of scams that you should stay away from.

Some students receive calls (or text messages) from someone claiming that they work for the US government. The caller usually asks the student about financial information such as debit card number.

You must know that the any governmental agency in the US will never ask you for your financial information over the phone. If any agency, such as US Citizenship and Immigration Status (USCIS) want to reach out to you, they will notify you in writing before calling you.

Here is a list of common scams, although you must keep in mind that these are not the only ones.

If you ever received a call or a message from someone claiming they belong to the USCIS, please forward it to the USCIS at and do not respond to it until the USCIS reply to you.

There are different forms of employment scams, but the most famous ones have a common theme:

The scam starts with a normal job advertisement (maybe on a famous platform such as Linkedin), then after the student apply and gets the offer, the scammer sends a counterfeit check to the student and ask the student to put the check into their bank account so that they can pay equipment necessary for the job. Before the bank revoke the check, the student pay for the equipment that never arrives and the scammer never replies back.

For some examples on this type of scams and how to avoid them, please visit this website.

Scammers may post a social media, do telemarketing, or use other means to offer you services related to the pandemic, such as Covid-19 tests or vaccines, for the exchange of your financial or personal information.

Please do not trust any social media or phone calls offering you services related to Covid-19 tests or vaccines.

If you suspect a fraud, please contact the National Center for Disaster Fraud.

For more information and examples of scams, please visit this website.