Course Reserves (held in Library) Use this form to request to have materials held on reserve in the library for students in a particular course. Materials can include books, DVDs, CDs, periodicals, etc. For questions regarding course reserves please email us at NOTE: If you would like to have your personal materials placed on reserve, please print and complete this form and bring it in with your reserve materials. Media Type*BookDVDCDJournal or ArticleVHSWhich semester? (ex. Fall 2024, Spring 2025, etc.)If no date specified, we will add content to reserves as soon as possible.When should we REMOVE this item from reserve?If no date is specified, materials will be removed from reserve at the end of the semester.Instructor Name*PhoneEmail* Department*Course Number and Title (ex: EN 110-03 World Literature)*Title of item*Edition (1st, 15th, etc.)*Author/Editor/Director*ISBN (10 digit or 13 digit, ex: 9780123456789)Call Number of item (ex: RC 450.B3 2013) - if item is in our collectionArticle Title (for articles only)Volume / Issue No. (if applicable)Usage Permission*Library Use Only (cannot be taken out of library)All course reserves are set for 2 hour in-library use only.Comments