What is Lifelong Learning?
Lifelong Learning’s mission is to provide a welcoming, collaborative, culturally-sensitive and customer-focused environment for all college guests. It is committed to the enrichment, diversity and self-empowerment of students from ages 4 and up in vocational and avocational programs of study that promote personal, academic and social growth.
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"POP-UP" Fundraiser Vocal Concert Did you love Grease? Our group of young performers can't wait to get back on stage! They are planning a "pop-up" performance to help raise funds for their next show Summer 2024! Performers will be singing Spring Youth Vocal Concert Join this all-new vocal performance workshop culminating in our very first “Magical-themed” Spring Concert. New Partnership with Coursera January 26, 2023 - Wagner College has launched a new partnership with Coursera, a global leader in providing skill and project-based learning opportunities. Lifelong Learning will offer the five Google Coursera Google Certificate Offer January 26, 2023 - Wagner College has launched a new partnership with Coursera, a global leader in providing skill and project-based learning opportunities to offer a series of Google Certificates to New Class Alert: Project Management Interested in gaining project management skills or preparing for the PMP® Exam? Our new course is currently under development with a planned launch of Spring 2023. Add yourself to our email list IT Training Programs According to CIO Magazine, the following certifications that we offer training for are the most in-demand for IT professionals looking to become managers. Certified Information Security Manager Certified Home Inspection Volunteer Info Calling all NYC Homeowners! Our Home Inspection training program is seeking volunteers to allow students to complete their coursework by hosting a site inspection. Site inspections would entail