
About Biology

In biology, we explore the science of life: the principles that govern life processes, molecular to ecosystem levels of organization, and the impact of biological issues on our lives. You'll be taught respect for life, the environment, and the place of humans in the biosphere. Internships and research opportunities ensure that you'll have a broad‐based and practical understanding of biology. Our graduates often head for medical, dental or pharmacy school, or conduct research in their specific field of study within the private sector.

Within the department, we emphasize academic excellence and direct dialogue between you and the professor, so you never feel lost. You'll learn scientific reasoning, quantitative analysis, and the powers of observation and critical thinking from academic leaders with years of field experience.

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Cells, Genes and Evolution

Designed to familiarize students with fundamental biological principles emphasizing evolution and speciation; cell chemistry, structure and function; Mendelian and population genetics. Laboratory experiments give students hands-on experience with various aspects of evolution, cell biology, and genetics.

Animal Physiology

A comprehensive study of the basic concepts, principles, and mechanisms of the function of animals. After familiarizing students with the structure and function of different specialized animal cells and tissues, the course addresses the anatomy and physiology of animal organs and organ systems.

Basic Medical Histology

Covers light-microscopic characteristics of the four basic tissue types of the body of vertebral animals, including humans. It also focuses on microscopic anatomy of different organs. Emphasis is made on the relationship between the structure and function of cells and tissues, which is crucial to medicine.

Beyond the Classroom


  • Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
  • Environmental Protection Agency
  • Staten Island Zoo


  • "Invertebrate photophysiology"
  • "Zebrafish schooling behavior"
  • "Epithelial Transport in Insects and Crustaceans"
  • "Effect of endocrine-disrupting chemicals on fruit fly development"

Maggie Breville ’82, now at the EPA

“You’re seeing cutting-edge research when they’re trying different things, so you see innovation and creativity at play.”

Internship: Anna Lysenko ’11

“I feel such a sense of accomplishment. I finally solved a problem in the lab and actually was able to provide them with useful information. Everyone functions as a community, almost like a family. This is truly an environment I want to work in.”