
Community involvement is a central part of the Wagner Plan. This minor helps you develop a civic identity and provides future employers with concrete evidence of your commitment and experience in civic engagement. You will also gain a better understanding of social responsibility and social justice, and acquire multicultural civic skills.

Central to the minor is a civic engagement lab, with community-based internships and on-campus experiences. The minor is open to all students, but especially encouraged for Bonner Leaders and IMPACT scholars.

Civic Engagement at Wagner


Civic Engagement Leadership

This course explores the meanings of leadership, citizenship, and the public good through readings related to the scholarship of citizenship and leadership. Students will develop their own leadership and citizenship plans in the context of a democratic public life.

Social Welfare Practice

An introduction to social work and to methodologies social workers use in their efforts to help clients negotiate the social welfare system. The complexities of the social welfare system are presented and contemporary issues in welfare structure and service delivery are discussed.

Culture, Power, and Place

An introduction to the field of political anthropology, the study of power in situated cultural contexts. We will consider the importance of ecology, religion, symbolism, and local politics in the context of a long and continuing process of globalization.