
About the Pre-Health Science Program

If you're interested in a career in the health sciences, especially medical, veterinary, or dental work, this advisory program is perfect. We'll advise you throughout your time at Wagner on course and program requirements, and on how to become a successful candidate for health science programs. We'll also advise you on the application process and help with committee letters.

We'll encourage you to work exceptionally hard throughout your time at Wagner and gain as much experience as possible. It is this commitment to hard work that will prepare you for entry into your chosen professional school. We also offer a seven year BS/OD degree for optometrists.

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Setting the tempo for the future of health sciences

“Wagner College is setting the tempo for the future of health sciences. Visit wagner.edu/majors to see all of our interdisciplinary programs and join the next generation of nurses, PAs, scientists, business leaders and educators.”