Community involvement is a central part of the Wagner Plan. This minor helps you develop a civic identity and provides future employers with concrete evidence of your commitment and experience in civic engagement. You will also gain a better understanding of social responsibility and social justice, and acquire multicultural civic skills. Central to the minor is a […]
We conduct open forums and panels for pre-law students, sponsor talks by guest speakers in the legal profession on law-related topics, invite guest speakers to address issues dealing with admission to law school, and arrange field trips to law firms and law schools.
Public Policy & Administration
Get a solid liberal arts education while also gaining a professional orientation in public policy and administration. You’ll acquire analytical, practical and theoretical skills for public service in contemporary society.
Whether you’re interested in music education, music performance, or studying and listening to music, our flexible curriculum lets you create a personalized program. You’ll also experience an abundant and varied concert life by attending first-rate musical events in NYC.
Modern Languages
Build linguistic and cultural awareness to experience the world differently as you study Spanish, French, Italian or German. By studying language, literature, civilization and film, you will begin your own journey through the myriad cultures of the planet.
Interdisciplinary Studies
Do your interests span multiple departments and areas of study? Maybe creating your own major is for you. Build a rigorous program of study to investigate interdisciplinary topics, problems, and questions.
Studying history will prepare you to respond to breaking global news and to debate conflicting views. Using newspapers, films, novels, and legal documents, you’ll learn how to argue persuasively, read and research carefully and write creatively.
Government & Politics
As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, it’s crucial that you understand the democratic system and other forms of governance. You’ll develop reasoning and analytical skills and build competence in oral and written expression.
Film and Media
Become media literate and advance your own awareness of media’s effect on your perceptions of critical social issues. You’ll look at film form, film and television history, world cinema, and/or practice in graphic computer arts.
Study a range of disciplines, including ballet, jazz, modern, and tap as well as courses in choreography, history, and criticism. Explore the wide range of dance techniques while encouraging further development of your personal dancing style.